• Tina
    Snowy white hair
    forest green eyes
    pale snow skin
    beautiful girl
    with so much to share to tell
    dress in a simple white dress
    a she-wolf before your eyes

    Waves of golden locks
    eyes shinny gold
    skin of golden color
    in blue jeans
    not to tight
    with a gold belt buckle
    a hansome he-wolf
    with understanding eyes

    Short spikes of silver
    with cold eyes of silver chill
    with pale skin rarly sees the light
    black jeans never tight
    with a silver wolf
    always on his belt
    a dangerous wolf
    ready to kill

    Midnight black hair
    Glowing blue eyes
    Ghostly pale skin
    Wolfish grin with fangs in
    An emo delight
    A dark devilishly good looking boy
    a black and white wolf
    with watching glowing blue eyes