• Who are you?
    Who am i?
    The seasons greeting start to rumble
    But i fell alone inside
    You were once my lover
    As we were happy togother
    I ask myself everyday what changed that
    Waiting and waiting
    For no answers appear
    For you are someone else
    A stranger some might say
    But now the days seem brighter
    The winter nights now seem shorter
    For Christamas is over
    While New Years is waiting its turn
    Christmas wasn't really christmas this year
    We weren't togother
    You and I
    I lost myself soon after
    But now I'm gradually get to know myself better
    Only proving why my spirits lift at the thought of New Years
    You see; New Years is just like a new begining
    A start over
    Another new year
    Where you can put everything behind you
    The thoughts of us togother is what i need to call the past
    Since the future is unclear
    I'm now living in the present
    It isn't so bad
    For New Years brought a begining
    A new begining
    The begining i needed for me
    To be me