• You always tell me to do what i want.
    but when I finally do, you begin to yell STOP!

    Would you please make up your mind
    because mines falling apart.
    oh you need some collateral?
    Here take my heart.

    It's layed still for so long that it has begun to rot
    don't worry about the smell, give it no more thought.
    didn't i tell you that what you see is what you get.
    oh sorry about that. just wipe away the maggots

    its still in okay condition, see look its fine
    just give it a nice little thump
    it will begin to beat in time.

    if it begins to fail you
    i'm sorry, for you see
    i don't really need the heart
    its not what makes me, me.

    so i just skip out on the payments
    and you come to reposess my heart
    sorry about your money, but you see
    it was the only way i could get you to come see me.

    Demented Crow