• -Haikus-

    The jazzy tunes roll
    Straight off the instruments' tongues
    Makes me feel relaxed

    I think jazz is cool,
    It is my happy corner
    Just past Dreamer's Way.

    It's such a great feeling.
    You will thank me soon...

    You'll pay for the food
    But not for the worry,
    Worry comes priceless.

    -Regular Poems-

    It comes from everyone.
    The cry, SOS, OMGs, or silence.
    Either way,
    It comes and leaves everyone.
    The next time someone asks for help,
    You know what to do.

    Cheer is spread everywhere.
    Games; see the cheerleaders.
    Music; hear the crescendoes.
    Weddings; see the smiles.
    Cheer is everywhere except
    for the places it's dark.

    On a beach.
    Going shopping.
    Writing a story.
    Laughing with friends.
    IMing your BFFL.
    Listening to music.
    All at the same time,
    and you've got my bliss.
    Wll give it back!

    Creativity vs.Activity
    The fight of the century.
    Draw? Play? Read? Run?
    What to do is endless.
    Maybe we have time for

    Not the number.
    Not the opposite of loss.
    Not the word 'on' with an extra letter.
    To be one is simple.
    Share goals, inspire one another.
    Not to share evey bone or freckle.
    Act as one, share as one.

    What does it mean?
    Fear of hippos?
    Fear of roses?
    Fear of bike pedals?
    Monsters, pots, being equipped?
    It's such a long word!
    I think I'm scared.

    Meaning of Life
    Is not a number.
    The meaning of life
    Is yours to idealize.
    Not someone else's choice.