• my heart is
    just like stone
    a hard, cold, heart is mine
    almost dead

    why did you take so much time to crush it
    why did you take the time to cover my heart in cement
    to turn it to stone
    to kill me inside

    now i can't love
    i don't care any more
    i can't care any more

    you took the time to turn my warm heart
    what for?
    can you explain?
    i think not

    now as i lie on the floor
    cold and dying
    you tell me i'll be warmer in hell
    for i shall go to hell to get the warmth i could not find on earth

    now i slowly fade
    i turn to dust
    for the next breeze takes me away
    blown to nowhere
    can't be found
    but my heart a rock stays in the cold world
    for it does not move with the breeze
    it is to heavy to move on to any where