• I woke up one day,
    And wondered if we'd ever change.
    Get tired of the way,
    everything stays the same...

    I love how you always say,
    We'll be together again someday,
    but everything stays the same,
    nothing will ever change...

    What ever happened to,
    Always and forever?
    Turned out to be now,
    And never.
    I just want off this ride,
    Is this the last kiss?
    Or at least for tonight...

    I stare at you,
    Staring at him.
    Your lies are cruel,
    But I love the way you sing them.

    It feels like,
    My hearts stuck in a revolving door...
    And you just keep trying to slam it.
    No I'm not alright,
    The love of my life,
    just jaded my eyes.

    What ever happened to,
    Always and forever?
    Turned out to be now,
    And never.

    I'm so tired of hearing you say,
    This is all your fault it didn't have to be this way...
    For a second there I actually thought you loved me,
    Wow, guess I'm really that naive.
    So here's to you and everything we've been through,
    I hate you so much.
    But I still love you.

    My Hearts stuck in a revolving door...
    and you just keep slamming it...