• We are friends, that is correct....right?
    Why is it then, that I
    have been feeling that that statement
    seems to be slowly evaporating?

    You claim we are great friends,
    yet we hardly talk anymore,
    we never really hang out, even at school,
    my attempts at kind gestures are
    quickly shrugged off,
    as though they had no effect at all.

    I try to bring it back,
    but it seems with each passing day
    you slowly begin to forget me.
    A figment of your past that
    you just want to move past and forget.

    I see you moving ahead, staying in the light,
    laughing with our other friends,
    while Im standing behind, in the darkness,
    alone, wondering what I can do to
    make our friendship more.... visible.

    I stand there, wondering if its me
    thats the problem.
    You stated we were great friends.
    But now it seems that
    you seek someone greater than I.

    Someone you believe would be a better friend
    than what I have tried so hard to be.
    Greater than what I have been working so hard to get at.
    Perhaps my attempts at kindness were faulty,
    and seen differently than i had hoped.

    Perhaps my personality has
    been driving you away
    to look for someone better than I.
    Perhaps my attempts at kindness
    were simply not strong enough.
    Perhaps my kindness...
    just isn't necessary anymore.

    The kindness I try to give brings me hope,
    hope that gives me a feeling that this will change.
    Yet with each passing day that hope begins to
    dissapear, replaced by an empty
    feeling that I never had... until now.

    With each day I ponder what happened
    to cause this change.
    Perhaps I am just paranoid.
    Perhaps my eyes are simply seeing things that aren't there.

    Perhaps this is a dream, and when I wake
    up, things will be just as they were before
    I began to take notice.
    If only that could be the case.

    You may scoff at the idea.
    You may ridicule me for even
    thinking this could happen.
    But the fact still lies,
    something is happening that
    wasn't happening before.

    I can tell that there is a chasm
    opening between us.
    If something isn't done,
    that chasm will eventually become
    too far to jump.
    I just want this to change.