• News reporter: a suicide bomber injured 20 citizens and killed 5…
    Male News Reporter: The government is trying to figure out a new way to keep our troops safer out in combat…..
    President: Our country needs more troops to stop this war…
    Angry Crowd: NO MORE TROOPS!!!! NO MORE TROOPS!!!!

    Something came to me when I was alone,
    Cold and hungry, with no money for the corner alley payphone
    I was banished from my family, thought life was to hard for me,
    I had made a choice, simple, it was to join the army,
    The only way to stop this war…….

    Interviewer: Why did you apply for the army….
    (fading) Why did you, did you, did you

    To make a stand, (for what is right!)
    To make a stand, (for what is just…)
    I don’t know how I might die…
    But at least I made a choice to fight...

    109 degrees in this forsaken desert,
    I want to fight but they wont let me…
    If I run today, we might be more alert,
    At night it will be better to leave...

    The night is cold, and unforgiving,
    I got water and a rifle, now its time to go,
    I made a stand and now im leaving,
    This can go good or bad, but what ever happens im gonna go…..

    Main Character: I thought it was time to do something valuable…
    Interviewer: What are you gonna do then?
    Main Character: Im going

    To make a stand, (for what is right!)
    To make a stand, (for what is just…)
    I don’t know how I might die…
    But at least I made a choice to fight…..
    TO FIGHT!!!!!!

    [Guitar Solo]

    [Guitar Solo Continues]
    War sounds: helicopters whiring in the wind,
    Gun shots at different volumes

    [Bass Guitar hums]

    [chorus, quietly saying]
    I made a stand, (for what is right…)
    I made a stand, (for what is just…)
    I didn’t know how I could’ve died…
    But at least I made a choice to fight!!

    [Regular Chorus]
    I made a stand, (for what is right…)
    I made a stand, (for what is just…)
    I didn’t know how I could’ve died…
    But at least I made a choice to fight!!
    To Fight!!! To Fight!!!!!!

    Interviewer: You were a close friend of his, why do you think he left the base to do something so courageous that led him to his death?
    Close Friend: I don’t know why, but I know he had a good reason. He made a stand for our country….