Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- Broken Little Boy by Sarah Kaye
- this is the sort of stuff i dream about. :(
- I Wonder Why I'm Here by Peridot Tears
- This was written a couple of weeks ago; and just a heads-up -- this is definitely on two other accounts I have on the internet, so I didn't steal it. I'm not very good at poetry -- my forte is in prose -- but this was something...
- The End by InfamyKidd
- Little poem about the last man on Earth who finally through all the loneliness and insanity decides to end his life, Enjoy.
- The Salty Beach by Icklejabob
- Another of my sonnets
- Animals by Gothique Jedi
- Can't seem to remember if I've submitted this yet. Don't see it on the first page of my stuff, so, eh.
- I hate the way you by XxXEmoprincessXx Hurts
- This is all about diffrent people in my life.
- Taking the Chance by Renezles
- I don't have a reason for writting this really, just started thinkin about life and I got this.
- A day without roses by Mario the Davidic Hero
- I wrote this just recently based on what time would be like for me without fun and love, regardless of the various weathers. Enjoy!
- Broken tears by Vailisia
- I have just a bit too much time on my hands
- Playing your game... by LimblessLoki
- It's talking about heart break, a love that from the moment you met you knew everything would go to hell......but you did it anyway because of the lust.