• Once upon a time , there was a litte girl spoke to her mum . "Mom , you always look beautiful , can you please tell me how to..."
    With soft eyes , with a touching smile , the mother replied :
    "For an interesting lips , speak words that sounds nice and inspiring ."
    "For dimpling cheeks , smile sincerely to everyone ."
    "For gorgeous eyes , show love to everyone as God shows us His love ."
    "For gorgeous fingers , help people ."
    "For a white shiny face , clean our heart from hatred , jealous , avarice , and spitefullness ."
    "My lovely daughter , physical beauty will be faded by time , but our inner-beauty will not be faded , even by death . And always remember , my daughter , CHANCE doesnt make our life better , but the CHANGES of ourselves change everything . And always ask the help of God to change the characters of us thats not good , as God accounted to ."

    Moral of this story :
    "Thats not important beauty or ugliness , but no matter what happen , keep your inner beauty in the bright side ."
