• The cold sends shivers up my spine. I can only assume I was running, due to the fact I heard quick, heavy, flat foot steps trailing my every move. I don't know if I was running or not because all I saw was safety.All I saw as home. Skipping all three steps as I quickly scatter to find the housekey.
    "Damit," I whispered out of breath. I didn't dare turn around. All I knew was I wasn't moving any more and there were footstep still trailing me. Now a flashlight was shined on my from the end of the block. I didn't dare turn around. I didn't dare do anything. My body froze. It was to scared it would make a wrong mistake and have it all end. Then there was a strong constant thudding and a hurried, sharp breathing that brought my mind back from shock. When I realized it was my own heartbeat and unsteady breath, My fingers clumsily fumbled for the key. I new I was running out of time. I felt too conpelled to not look back that it became an irrestistable urge. I looked. All I was able to see was able to see was the light that was yanked back and forth from the running male. That's all I could.
    Key. I found the key. The light was half way down the block.
    Lock. Shaky hands quickly tried to push golden key into the sliver lock, but missed causing me to drop the key.
    Lock! I shoved the key in so quickly that it didn't have time to miss. Click. Click.
    Doorknob. The blob of light was now approaching porch. I didn't notice I was crying until the salty tear was obsorbed in between my dry, cracked lips.
    "Come on babe. Come back you know I don't bite," He said oin a cocky voice that was auviosly drunk. Wait I know that voice. It made me freeze in my tracks. My throut dried instantly. The doors was slightly adjust. My mind was screaming to run inside. Run! Run! it screamed. But my legs quit working. I slumped against door way. Now I was sobbing not from fear but from pain. the pain that voice gave me. The steps slowed. And the light was now steady and pointed directly at my head, but I could turn around. My fears told mywho it was, but my heart wouldn't believe me, and my eyes were not going to confirm it.
    "I chased you ya' know. I don't me ju't now. All tees years. But no ya' never lookd twice at me. No ya kep runin after Tony." He spat after saying his name. "No.no no no. You never once ran aftur Derek. Now I will confess it. I love Violet Fructis! And now your going to love me too." That's when I noticed the switch blade in his hand. "So wat do ya say do you love me Vyla?"
    "Of course I love you Derek." I said to my best friend but I couldn't take my eyes away from blade, with even more tears were rollin down my cheeks. "I have loved you since first grade. Remember you were my first kiss."
    "I don't car. Bout ya dam pity kiss in second grade. If you love me kiss me now." He exclaimed. When he leaned in to kiss me I could practicaly taste the thick scent of liqoir radiating from him.

    To Be Continued