• No One knows when will God come to earth...
    For the coming of the Son of Man will just be like the days of Noah , For they were eating drinking marrying. and giving gifts in marrage..., Two Men will be in the field one will be taken and one will be left, Two women are grinding at the mill one will be taken and one will be left.
    When it was the day Noah Entered the Ark then the Great Flood came, So will the coming of the Son of Man be,
    For just as tha lighting comes from the east and flashes to the west, So shall the coming of Son of Man be...

    and God said For I am warning you in advance Many will come in my name and say that
    I am God! But they are not
    When the Son of Man comes and you are Born again you and those who are born again will be caught up in the air wich is you called the rapture..
    those who will be left behind will experience birth pains

    Like saying things that it is Worst after Worst
    A great Typhoon and then release
    Earthquake and then release
    when the child is being born nearer the greater pain mother experiences so the earth be...
    When the Messiah (Jesus) comes closer to the earth the greater pain the earth experiences..
    God warns us in advance when they say hey the messiah is in for example Iran don't believe them
    For just as tha lighting comes from the east and flashes to the west, So shall the coming of Son of Man be...
    We will be caught up in the air...

    This is What the Bible and Joel C, Rosenberg said
    Joel is the writer of
    The Epicenter, The Last Jihad, Dead Heat, Copper Scroll, Eziekel Option, The Last days...