• Where did it all begin... oh, now I remember. It was Monday, And I'd gone to school like I'd do any other day. Then it got weird. I was in math class listening to one of Mr. Newman's lectures about the Dewey decimal system, or something like that, and I was looking through my sketchbook, thinking about what I should draw next. Then it stopped. I don't mean his lecture, I mean everything. It just stopped. I looked up at Mr. Newman, and he was just standing there. Frozen. I stood up and looked around, and it was the same with everyone. I looked at my friend Taylor, and he just sat there. Frozen. It Looked like he'd been writing something, but his hand was frozen in the middle of a word

    Then it was black.

    Chapter 1

    "Wake up."

    "Hey, wake up."

    I opened my eyes, but shut them again. Trying to move at all hurt, and even breathing caused pain.

    Then I started taking everything in. It smelled like rotten eggs, and the ground was cold and slimy, but I didn't move. I was afraid of hurting myself if I moved. Then it didn't hurt anymore.
    I opened my eyes, realizing something was wrong, and i heard a voice.

    "Good, you're awake. I was thinking the Tranquilizer dart had you out for good. Most humans get a permanent coma from getting hit with one, just because of how strong it is."

    I stood up quickly and turned around to face the voice.

    And what I saw made me scream.
    Whatever it was wasn't human, not even close. It was green, slimy, it had what looked like gills on the sides of it's head, if that was it's head.It looked like a cross between a man, a slug, and a fish.

    "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you." it said.

    "What are you?!"
    "That's none of your concern, now is it?"