Letaliter Divinus Verum-I
Non Fiction
| Submitted on 07/15/2008 |
References and Quotes: A General Base to Help The Reader Understand
[Pink's Manager defends Pink's trashing of his hotel room]
Hotel Manager: He's a maniac!
Rock and Roll Manager: He's an ARTIST!
“Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?
A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or music, then in that respect you can call me that... I believe in what I do, and I'll say it.
Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it.
Surrealism had a great effect on me because then I realized that the imagery in my mind wasn't insanity. Surrealism to me is reality.”
–John Lennon
“Psychic automatism in its pure state, by which one proposes to express -- verbally, by means of the written word, or in any other manner -- the actual functioning of thought. Dictated by the thought, in the absence of any control exercised by reason, exempt from any aesthetic or moral concern.”
-The Surrealist Manifesto
“The only absolute truth in life is that there is no absolute.”
“The only thing you know for certain in life is that you know nothing.”
“If you believe you are free, then there is no possible escape for you.”
The Writer of this paper suggests to you the reader that it would be best to leave the world as you see it behind and to let go of things you think you understand or know, for he is going to present to you in no shortness of words that you are and always will be as far as he is ever concerned wrong in thinking what you do even if you agree with him. The writer to explain as best he can to you the world, reality, existence, feeling, emotion, the human condition, and the cosmos on the next page. These are what one calls art when channeled through the artist, the writer, and you. An yes, the whole paper is in third person narrative.
Article One and Ninety Nine: The Task at Hand and a definition to Art
My role in society, or any artist's or poet's role, is to try and express what we all feel. Not to tell people how to feel. Not as a preacher, not as a leader, but as a reflection of us all.
-John Lennon
In the quote above the role of an artist is presented. It’s a fact, it’s a truth: artist feel. They see. The reader is wrong to think all people do this not all people feel, and very few ever see anything at all; but some do. Are they artist? No, they are not for an artist does two other things that other people do not. They think and they share. The artist feels, his feeling causes him to see, he then is forced to think, and then he attempts to let people see. Thus art does not come from reason it comes from feeling. Thought beyond reason is the essence of art and feeling is its soul. If someone understands the artist’s art as he understands it, the he has failed at creating art. Art should conjure feelings and meanings unique to each individual that views it. At the same time if no one can recognize it as art then the artist has failed as well. The artist must tape into the universal consciousness and derive from it his art. Thus art can not be created on command or at a whim; it must come to the artist and will only come when he is open to it. Any attempt to create creates and any creation without an attempt is still art because how can one tell when one is guided by such a force and when he is not? Who is to say the force is not constant. Established guide lines, theories, and rules are all but a constraint on art, which in its most advanced forms looks like nothing of this earth or dimension. While they are not with out their merit though; their study can prove useful in better expression of meaning and feeling as well as provide a challenge to the artist, much the same way writing a sonnet is to a free verse poet. Still at the same time one does not have to first study these to create or establish a style of one’s own.
The artist is the avatar of a greater force, something beyond himself and humanity as a whole. A driving force that fills his soul and drives him forward to create and create and create; what he creates that’s strikes accord with all humanity in the same way for the same reason but causes original thoughts, ideas, and feelings is art. Art is for the artist mainly, to create art is his primal need. Up until this point the artist has “created” however a more accurate word is that the artist sees. The artist sees the world and his art is his vision. He shares it with others in hopes it will benefit them and may strike accord with them or their lives, but it’s mainly for him and what he takes to mean may be different. An artist sees the world differently, and thus is free from any one else’s reality. He may in his vision see another’s reality as a dream and another may see the artist’s reality as insanity.
It should be noted that all art and originality is dead. An artist is forever stealing and trying off other artists who in turn do the same to him for artist “show us what we all feel”. So if one artist is showing you what you feel and another is doing the same then they are showing you the same thing. Thievery is not condoned; originality must be added, your vision will never be the same as another's thus is the nature of art. To create something based on another's ideas and work is inspiration, to replicate it is thievery.
An artist life is bizarre and strange to most people. The artist is at times obsessed with his art and creations which are his vision, which makes them a part of him. So the artist is at times obsessed with himself and his art. This is the focus that art some times requires, while at other times the artist must lose himself to produce art. The constant struggle to find and lose the self makes the artist function in a beyond social norms and acceptance; thus art is sometimes seen as an attack on society or morality. In truth the artist is merely sharing his feelings and visions about something. Often artist will depict a vulgar image for attention, to show something their proud of, or point out that the image is separate from the meaning that society has set to it. Also in certain cased such art is used to comment on society, nations, people, ect.
All that has been said in an attempt to define art and what it is only but a passing glimpse or what it truly is for at times art is in direct conflict with every rule laid out and meaning for it. It is an artist task to see art as it is not as people or education and knowledge say it is to be. Art is always changing and taking new forms. This artist, this writer, this human being simply creates art for himself and shares his vision of things and feelings through it. He often conveys meaning through them only for himself. Hiding them in among the work, if another finds them then they are shown the piece as a whole and may walk away with a different point of view or disagree entirely with the ideas and decide they saw nothing in the work. The artist does not care either way he creates as a way to chronicle his existence. Away for him to look back in time at himself and to the future by leaving behind a marker that declares “I lived, I existed, this is what I believed and thought.” He hopes that others will think of his meanings and art and gain something from them, but that is as he has said before not his original purpose.
Letaliter Divinus Verum-I
Letaliter Divinus Verum-I Manifesto is the complete title. You'll either get this and respect if not accept it or not understand at all.
In the end I guess all I really said was, I'm go to challenge the rules and principles of not only art but society. Let it not be forgotten that in the Surrealist Manifesto it says the most pure Surrealist artistic act you can do is to run into a crowd of people and start shooting randomly.
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