Dr. Acula P.H.D was a simple man with an M.I.T degree in anatomy... Becasue of this knowledge he became one of the most remembered doctors in the world... But then again, was it his knowledge of the internal workings of human life? OR was it something much darker?...
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1995, January 1st 12:00 AM, the start of the new year and everyone of Dr. Acula's patients were invited, when something had gone horribly wrong, Acula's face had turned a pasty gray, and his eyes turned as black as the dark abyss that consumed all life... He ravaged that rooms of his own house, killing the only family he had, his wife and his two children. Since that day, Acula has never been the same...
As it turns out to be, only a few hours before the party, Dr. Acula (In an attempt to shave away his unruly silver whiskers) Nikked himself with an old razor that had been staring at him as if calling him forword for a most unpleasurable turn of events... He picked it up and started to shave away at his tan white skin, and accidentaly cut himslef to the extent of the use of a band-aid or two! He looked at his newly found cut with an underlying sense of humility and fear, he had never once clipped himslef when shaving when he was younger, why now? He moved over to his closet to pick out the proper attire for the celebration of the new coming year, when he had had a fatal stroke, had he known it, he would have called 911, but it was hidden by the need to prepare for the party (Acula had always been a sort of perfectionist when it came to social events) He had just claimed the little cringe in his body and the dizzle spell that ensued to be a pre-party anxiaty attack, for the patients he had once served as a physician and doctor were to be at the party that night, he only thought that if they didn't like what he had prescribed, would they hurt him. Of course these are silly thoughts he said to himself as he continued working, he always viewed himself as a very likable person, and had never really had no enemies. At about 8:00 PM his first guest showed up at his front porch, named Archibald Morris, he had come to Dr. Acula in need of a painkiller for a grieving throbe that ravaged his body for 4 years, Dr. Acula prescribed a small Vikaden based substance that cured everything in a matter of days, Archiblad was the one who introduced the medical world to Dr. Acula once he had realized that the drugs helped his pain. Dr. Acula had been taking a pill himself that same evening, a simple muscle relaxer to calm his nerves, little did he know that it would harm him in the long-run... That evening, once everyone arrived, he was starting to feel the coolness of the evening and went to switch on the heater, when he tripped and flung himself into a table knocking a formoer patient to the ground, causing him to bust open his head on the tile of the kitchen, Dr. Acula didn't panic surprisingly, because He knew exactly what to do, he ran into the kitchen grabbed a damp rag from the sink, placed it under the man's head, and applied presure, and instructed another patient to continue for him as he searched fo other means of anticdotion. He tripped once more when coming back to the man, and fell face first into the quickly solidifying puddle of ruby water that kept the human race alive... He completely blacked out, and stood up wothout realizing it... He looked around, and felt his face, it wasn't the man's blood, but his own, his cut had opened from hitting the ground, suddenly the blood that soaked his face seeped into his pores in his cheek bones, He then looke up at everyone else, who, obviously looked as baffled as he. He felt his face once more, and relized what happened, his eyes then turned coal black from the indside out, almost as if his iris had filled the canvas of his eye like a spilled ink-well... He then spun around in an attempt to spring away and try and figure out what was happening, but then an irresistable urge over took his whole body and he lost all free will, and attacked the first person he saw, Archibbald Morris... Then the ruthless slaughter began of everyone in the house... That night is now infamous for the brutal killing of the innocent people who had the dis-pleasure to be in the locked house of Dr. Acula P.H.D....
As the coroners examined the bodies, they found that during the de-tox screen, they found traces of rust, femented blood, methanfedimines (Meth), and a concentrated ammount of sodium chloride (Salt)... It turns out that once mixed, a chemical bond occurs creating a stop to the brain somewhat clogging it, and in the event of a clog, the body emediately searches for a vessel of blood, where it can provide itself with nutrients to dissolve the clog, so when Acula had the sudden craving for the crimson liquid of life, he was not the one responsible, but his wife is to be blamed, for before the party, Dr. Acula had a drink of alchohol which created fermemented blood, the rust used from the razor, and she had laced his medicine with Crystal Meth, or Methanfedimines... Creating this combination wouldn't have been possible if Dr. Acula hadn't fell into the puddle of blood the man left behind, for he had had a severe problem with a high concentrate of salt in his blood stream, so when his skin soaked it up, it completed the chemicla bond... And this is what caused the tragic death of the former patients of Dr. Acula... But HE was never found...
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