*Note: This is targeted towards Americans. Especially those mainstream people can name all of Brittany Spear's songs, but not the national anthem. Plus, contains huge amounts of stereotyping, but sadly enough, most of the stereotypes are true and apply to a good deal of Americans.
Ugh, my friend just wrote a retarded happy-go-lucky kid journal about Thanksgiving, which is why I'm writing this rant. So if you want to actually question your thinking and customs for a change, read this. If you don't want to hear the truth, move to the next article.
Thanksgiving...when you hear the name, it doesn't sound like a bad holiday. It actually sounds like a good one, where we're happy for what we have. Well it's not.
Let's talk about where "Thanksgiving" came from. It was founded when we came to America, stole lands from the Native Americans, and called it sharing? That's sharing alright! Nevermind, we did share. Smallpox.
Sound like a good thing to celebrate about? If you have common sense, you'd say no. If you don't say no, move to the next article please.
Honestly, when it comes right down to it, Thanksgiving is just another stupid holiday for Americans to eat more than usual, and it's called the holiday of sharing? Sharing, pfft. By that most people mean "pass the bread!". What's the point of sharing if you don't do it when it counts? Like with the starving kids in Africa?
"Let's be thankful!" Thankful for what? That you're not out on the streets? Instead of saying "Thank God, I'm not that person!", why don't we go help "that person"?
Typical American holiday. Stupid, pointless, and just a way to feel better about yourself by saying you have more than someone else
I have a new name for this "holiday", that is has its true meaning in the name. That true meaning being gluttony.
Hope you enjoyed this rant! Happy Glutton Day!
P.S. Also, don't leave stupid comments saying "Omg but I like Thanksgiving!" or "Thanksgiving pwns!"
Just because you get an unusual intake of food doesn't mean that it's a good holiday.
Also, for those people who just love to be stupid when reading. Don't think this applies directly to you. Actually if you leave a comment saying "Well me and my mom give food to Africa every year!" honestly just proves that you don't.
The people who read this knows whether it applies to them or not. Don't be stupid.
Thanksgiving Essay/Rant
Remy Lafayette
Just bored and decided to complain about something I hate-stupid holidays made by stupid people.
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