The night's skies are a deep dark blue like spilt ink. The shadows from the trees made the city just as dark as that vast inky canvus.
My grey eyes survey the neighborhood as it slept peacefully. Soon they are trained on the smoothly paved streets that unfold infront of my feet. In the dark everything the leaves, bark, even the blades of grass appear black. The street lights aren't on this part of the street leaving it creepier than the rest of the small back road. Ahead they cast their yellowie glow on the fences and reflected off the cars that lined the sidewalkless urban street.
Nothing seems to trump this feeling I get everytime I climb out that window in the middle of the night. When I put everything on hold for those few sacred hours of the night. To get out and explore with my heart jammed in my throat hammering with excitment, fear, joy, worry, and happiness.
The fresh air that seems to go straight to my head is extra chilly tonight but I made sure to bundle up in my best jacket. My music buzzes around my neck where my headphones dangle. The sounds of traffic a few streets over are coupled with the sound of my keys and change that clink in the pockets of my well worn jeans. My short hair is up in tight pigtails to keep it nice.
Everything was carefully planned hours earlier that night. The stressful part had passed as I left my street behind without telling a soul goodbye.
I always feel like I'm the only one awake even as I pass smokers on their porch, late night partier's, others sneaking back in and those like me who like it later. So I walk down those half lit Under the cover of telephonewires and tree limbs that are home to other night time critters. As I walk my route The sounds of traffic were getting steadily louder as if to compete with the crunch of gravel beneath my eager feet.
The looming figure of the bridge that is the highway appears from behind a group of small-ish pines just down the hill I stood at the top of. It's large shape oscures the beautiful veiw of the valley after curfew. The underbelly shelters the produce of my overly paranoid imagination. I stop by the guarder at the edge of the two laned exit and sat on the wooden post. One hand gripped the metal railing while the other flipped through my songs till I found the quietest.
The moment was perfect for thoughts and pondering the universe. I lean back and watch the headlights flash by on the highway. Wondering if they are off to work or home or maybe out to be wild. The minutes fly by quickly like they do when you are enjoying yourself.
Just when any normal hardworking responsible citizen would go back home to their warm bed I glanced over to the dark veil that always made me hesitate. There standing in his blue street clothes at tenniss shoes stands the boy I wanted to see so badly. Though I couldn't see the fine details from my seat I could tell there would be a smile waiting for me.
So I rush to his side and follow him home, sneaking my cold hand into his still warm one before letting him lead me under the bridge.
It's good to be alive.
Just Need to be Wild
Lady Bee D Taste
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