part of my summer vacation...
a month into summer vacation-
texts between me and at the time best guy friend-
me: hey, i got a new cell phone and how's your summer going?
him: i know and i just got back from ma.
me: so how are you and what's her face doing? and what were you doing there?
him: needed to get out of the state...too much drama and we broke up...
me: oh...I'm sorry...and lucky...
him: it's OK...she was a b***** anyway...
me: oh...well i g2g i have some little children to tie up or something...
him: OK...later
i talked to him on and off for about a week then one morning he texted me before i woke up but i got it and it said: hey, can you get on aim?
me: sure...I'll be on in a few what's up?
him: i need help getting over her.
me: OK, I'm signing on
him: OK
i finally get signed into aim and he ims me...
him: hey
me: hey
him: i can't stop thinking about her.
me: OK....what do you need me to do...
him: just talk...that's all i need...
me: OK...
that afternoon, we're still talking....
me: so....
him: I'm over her...i like someone else...
me: who?
him: guess, they really understand me...
me: just tell me, i don't feel like guessing
him: fine...don't get p.o. at me or anything....
me: i promise i won't, just tell me....
him: it's you...
I'm standing there blinking at the computer screen
him: r u there?
me: yea...I'm just shocked... eek
him: I'm sorry...i shouldn't have told you...
me: no it's fine...
him: I'll be back later some point....
i close out the im and clean up the living room and do dishes and stuff... he comes back...
him: r u still there?
me: yea...
him: well...do you like me back?
me: yea....
him: cool, does this mean we're dating?
me: not exactly my mom isn't ready for me to be in a one on one relationship yet...
him: oh OK...
me: i g2g....I'll talk to you later....
him: alright, bye
me: bye
later that night he gets a text from his ex asking for him back and blah blah blah....we start dating the next day i wait a few days to tell everyone, he meets my parents a few days later, a day before our two week anniversary type thing. he talks to me on aim like everyday....part way through our conversation...
him: when did he tell you he loved you?
me: somewhere around 9 months, why?
him: just wondering, when did you decide you loved him?
me: a month before, why?
him: well you promise not to freak on me at all or anything?
me: i promise, what is it?
him: well i don't want to completely freak you out or anything but ash, (not using full names) I'm pretty sure i love you...
me: oh... eek
him: i shouldn't have told you...i probably just made your day totally awkward...
me: no it's fine...i kind of saw this coming....
him: really? well do you love me?
me: i wanna say yes...
him: but your not sure...
me: yea, I'm really sorry,
him: no i understand, between what happened with him and you...i don't blame you not knowing...
me: OK...well i got to go...
him: OK...good night sweet dreams
me: night
the next day I'm watching my cousins and he's helping me and all this stuff....i go to his house for the first time and meet his family and this happened
me: What? you didn't tell me all were coming!
him: I'm really sorry i didn't know...my mom found out and i didn't have my phone to warn you when i was on my way to your house...
me: it's fine but still... [ i hate meeting new people now i was thinking i was just going to be meeting your parents and maybe your cousin now i have to meet how many people?]
him: you'll survive and i won't leave your side the whole time
me: i guess that makes things a little better but still....[ i hate this, you so owe me...you'd better not make me eat anything if i don't want to...(I'm skinner then the normal teen and i don't like to eat much and he said he would force me to eat if he had to.)]
him:i know that look, and no i won't make you but i think you should.
me: i don't want to, I'm not hungry...
him: fine
his aunt comes storming in his bedroom where we were talking...
aunt: oh my you are so pretty you two make such a cute couple, i need my camera....
she continues with how pretty i am and everything...staring at me... confused i meet the rest of the family we go to dinner and we eat and everything.....but that's it so far.... haven't been more surprised...yet...bye
part of my summer vacation...
yea well this is a true story and I'm still with the guy and trust me everyday there is something that happens that I'm not expecting...not exact words but close to at least....and for people saying this isn't a high school flashback, I'm going to be a sophomore in high school and like it's a flashback to the past of what happened while I'm still in high school years...
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