WTCBF ~ 2 ~ He Came Back...
The sun was shining and the birds were singing. It was a new day. Tsubaki was asleep but not on the bed. She rolled off and fell onto the floor still not awake.
Knock, Knock. There was a knock on the door and then nothing. After a few minutes the door slammed open and a voice bellowed, "WAKE UP!"
It was her mother, the one that she idolized like a goddess. Her hair was wet and her hazel eyes had a tinge of sharpness before quickly changing to soft after seeing her daughter, still asleep.
"You sleep through everything, don't you Tsubaki?" Haruhi's voice was sweet like candy as she gently stroked her daughter's hair.
Loud footsteps could be heard almost like giant feet were climbing up the stairs... It came round the corner and a tall figure shaded in black appeared.
"Mom, you care about Tsubaki a lot... Why?" The deep voiced boy with messy blonde hair asked in a questioning but stern tone poking his head into the bedroom doorway.
"Because she is not like her father nor is she going to be," She replied not looking at him nor did she stop stroking Tsubaki's hair. "Go downstairs Hiro," Her voice now monotone.
Hiro clicked his tongue before following his mother's orders.
He slinked down the stairs, and went back into the warm colour scheme of the living room and slumped onto the plush seat, feet over the arm of the cream sofa. His deep blue eyes narrow as his mother came into the room and slapped his peach feet onto the white carpet.
Light footsteps could be heard climbing across the landing and tumbling down the mahogany oak spiral staircase, breaking the unsettling atmosphere.
"Mother, Good morning!" A cheerful squeak was heard from Tsubaki as she picked herself up off the floor, brushing off a few specks of dust.
"Oh? No greeting to me, squirt?" Hiro questioned in a playful tone.
"Brother... I didn't realise that you were back from America already, Good morning!" The brown haired girl replied bowing and raising her head up to reveal a smile.
Hiro, Tsubaki's older brother who is 18 and had attended an American college, due to his request. He has blonde hair and deep blue eyes like staring at the empty dark universe starting to fill with bright white stars. His perfect complexion has made him quite the 'ladies man' in America and has made him develop an egotistical attitude, wanting his sole parents attention.
"May I ask, what time is it?" A petite head slightly turning as the soft words were spoken.
"8:25" Hiro replied, raising an eyebrow as well as a smirk. "You're gonna be late if you don't hurry."
A small squeal was released as Tsubaki ran around the room gathering things for the day before rushing out into the hallway.
"G-Good bye, Mother and Brother! I'll see you at ten past three!" She stumbled out of her mouth while putting on her brown slip-ons before rushing out of the Kilth mansion.
She thought to herself, "I hope I'll make some friends today, after all it is best to have friends at school..."
WTCBF ~ 2 ~ He Came Back...
People call her 'Cute and Smart'
"They don't understand..." she says.
15 year old Tsubaki Kilth , a Taiwan pure blood, just moved to China and has entered a new high school. Can she make friends unlike at her old school? Will she regret any of her decisions when the cherry blossoms fall?
Here is chapter 2 so i hope you like it! ;) I'm up for any feedback/ Improvements...
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