~ Pure Death: Reanimation ~
When Isel woke, she was cold. Everything was cold. Her body was numb, she could not even feel the covers atop her. She tried to move, but everything was stuck, stiff without life. She didn't even breath. She felt no need to. Her body felt like a rock, unmoving and unhurting. Her eyelids were just barely open, rays of white light burning through her eyelids. She fell in and out of conciousness.
"Is she alive?"
Something was whispering, not entirely outside of her consciousness, but bumping into it gently.
"N-no, Ms.Laure. I'm sorry."
She heard sobs, and murmurs from outside, the distinct voice of her mother wailing outside the room.
Why am I here?
A car crash.... or a drowning... I can't remember... what..?
She felt her fingers move, her mind pushing for herself to move. She felt her body jerk, hearing something crunch in pressure. She felt movement to her right, and a scream. There was a shatter of glass.
"I-It must just be her nerves... or something.."
She jerks, her left arm flying across to the side table, knocking down a glass of water that was supposedly put there when she awoke.
Awoke from what?
She flickers her toes against the hard fabric, and tests her jaw. Her body was still feeling her, but not the outside world. She opens her eyes to the blinding light, her eyes did not adjust, they just were... alright in the brightness even after being in the dark. people screamed, and a man came in, scared for his life.
The doctor.
She opened her mouth to speak, but all the came out was gurgles. She lifts her head and tilts it over the side of the bed, and water trickles out like a small stream. The doctor screamed, jumping back into a mess of wires and tubes. he struggles to push the nurse button, but the nurses were already at the scene, some screaming to call the police.
"What... where..." She murmurs, her voice gruff and unsatisifying to her ears.
Her mother bursts in, wrapping her arms around her daughters neck, sobs racking her small body. "My baby..." She sobs, and rocks her back and forth, more comforting herself than anyone else.
"Mom... what hap... pened..." Her words were slow, slurred, as if she had drunk a lot of whiskey the night before.
Did I?
"An accident honey.... but its all over now."
~ Pure Death: Reanimation ~
Well Bang Ok
When Isel woke, she was cold. Everything was cold. Her body was numb, she could not even feel the covers atop her. She tried to move, but everything was stuck, stiff without life.
She didn't even breath.
Part 1 coming out later!
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