• Green Team - Day 5

    *Ririsu and Jamie are getting treemail.*

    Jamie: We have a challenge! =o

    Ririsu: WOO! =D

    Jamie: (camera) We have a challenge which means we have to kick a**! I dont wanna lose again dammit! >-<

    *They come back to camp.*

    Ririsu: We have a challengeee!!

    Roger: Noicee! 8D

    Ririsu: <.<

    Roger: >.>

    Lucky: (camera) We have a challenge today....we have to win..cause if we dont, i feel im gonna be next to go. =/

    Kiah: Lets do this!


    Blue Team - Day 5

    *Everyones getting ready to go to the challenge.*

    Snow: Ok guys let's win and beat them again! =]

    Alex: Ohh jes =]

    Willow: (camera) With DDS and Explode hating each other right now...i HOPE it does not have an impact on how today goes..we NEED to win and out number them D:

    *DDS and Snow are walking.*

    Snow: Just try not to think about it, okay?

    DDS: Yeah -w-

    DDS: (camera) Explode really rubs me the wrong way, but at the same time I'm not gonna let someone put me down. At the same time, i dont wanna go home yet..so...lets hope we win.

    *Clip of all 6 of them walking.*



    *Camera zooms into the challenge. An obstacle in an open space.*

    Statik: Come on in, guys! 8D!

    *The Blue Team and Green Team walk in.*

    Statik: Blue team getting the new look at the new Green team...Gerald voted out, the first tribal council o.o;

    Willow: Wow. o.o

    Explode: Dumb move >->;

    Ririsu: D:<

    Statik: Ok, you guys ready to get to the next immunity and reward challenge??

    *Everyone nods.*

    Statik: I'll take back immunity from teh Blue team! =]

    *Statik takes the idol.*

    Statik: Once again, immunity on the line! Here's how the challenge will work. Each team will select 3 runners. On my go each runner will run across a ramp and
    run on a net run. They'll then climb the rope ladder and grab a bag of puzzle pieces, drop on the net run and run back. Each runner will collect 2 bags.
    Once all 6 bags are collected, the remaining 2 team members must solve the puzzle. First team to solve the puzzle...wins immunity..save from the vote!
    Losers...tribal council someone will be voted off D:!

    Teams: O.o;

    Statik: You're reward is...(she releases the blanket off the reward.) FISHING GEAR! All teh things you need to catch fish easier =]

    Alex: I'm not sure if we can eat that...

    Statik: it's the SECOND challenge. No food coming yet >___>;

    Statik: Blue team, you have ONE extra member...who is gonna sit out?

    *They all talk for a short minute.*

    Snow: Me n.n;

    Statik: Ok Snow, take a spot on the bench. Everyone else, strategize! And wait for meh go!

    *Clip of the challenge.*

    *Clip of the idol.*

    Statik: Ok, running for the Blue team is Willow, DDS and Leland. On the puzzle is Explode and Alex.

    Statik: Running for the Green Team is Roger, Jamie and Lucky. On the puzzle is Ririsu and Kiah.

    Statik: Here we go, for immunity...and reward...survivors ready...GO!!! D:!

    *Willow and Roger are running across the ramp. Willow runs and falls, almost doing a dive.*

    Snow: Come on Willow!!

    Jamie: Go Rogerrr!

    Statik: it's like running on a trampoline! D:

    *Roger falls down, running.*

    Roger: X.x

    Statik: Roger takes a tumble! D:!

    *Willow and Roger stumble a bit more and reach the rope ladder.*

    *They climb it.*

    Statik: Gotta get up the ladder and get a bag!

    Leland: You got it Willow!

    *Willow grabs her bag and leaps off on the net.*

    Statik: Willow has hers!

    *Roger grabs his and falls on the net.*

    Statik: Roger has his!

    Ririsu: GO ROGER! D:

    *Roger tries getting up, but keeps falling as Willow is getting across the net run.*

    Roger: UGH! >___<;

    Statik: Gotta be fristrating!

    *Willow runs back.*

    Statik: Go DDS, GO! D:

    *DDS starts running as Roger gets back.*

    Statik: Go Jamie!

    *Jamie then runs across the ramp.*

    *DDS trips and falls on the net run.*

    DDS: AH! X.x

    *Jamie falls and crawls a bit and gets back up.*

    Lucky: Come on Jamie!!!

    Alex: Go DDS! Dx

    *DDS runs to the ladder as Jamie is right behind.*

    Statik: Both girls on the ladder!

    *DDS climbs a bit higher to get the second bag. She grabs it and drops and hits the net run.*

    *Jamie climbs and grabs her bag and drops*

    Statik: DDS has a lead!! =O

    *DDS runs back, almost falling down on her face.*

    Snow: Come on come on! ><

    Kiah: Come on Jamie! =O!

    *DDS gets back and Leland runs across the ramp.*

    Statik: Leland on the course!

    *Jamie runs back and Lucky sprints out.*

    *Leland runs across the net a certain way so he wont fall.*

    *Lucky runs on the net run, and loses balance and falls.*

    Lucky: UGH!

    Statik: Its very hard to run on that thing!

    Willow: Come on Leland! D<

    *Leland starts climbing, has to go higher.*

    *Lucky gets to the ladder and starts climbing.*

    *Leland grabs his bag, lets go and falls on his back.*

    Statik: Leland has his! =O!

    *Lucky grabs his back and falls, hitting the net run.*

    Statik: Blue team has a lead! =O!

    Ririsu: Nuuu! >__<;

    *Leland comes back and Willow runs to the ramp.*

    Statik: Willow on the course for her SECOND bag!

    *She gets on the net run and falls on her back and quickly rolls over.*

    *Lucky runs back and Roger runs back out.*

    Statik: Roger now in it! Its getting close! AGAIN! -___-;

    *Roger gets across the ramp and stumbles on the net run and falls, but quickly gets back up.*

    Jamie: Go go Roger! ><

    Explode: Come on Willow!

    *Willow reaches the ladder and starts climbing. Roger reaches the ladder and starts climbing.*

    Statik: Willow and Roger have to go high now! WAY HIGH! =O!

    *They keep climbing. Willow grabs her bag and falls.*

    Statik: She has it and drops!

    *She hets the net run and starts running back.*

    *Roger grabs his and falls on his back, hitting the net run and tries running back.*

    Statik: Its too damn close now!

    Snow: Come on guys think of tribal! We dont wanna go! D:

    *Willow comes back and DDS runs out.*

    Statik: DDS GO!

    *Roger comes back and Jamie runs out on the course.*

    Kiah: Come oonn Jamiiiee!!

    *DDS keeps falling.*

    DDS: UGH! >.<

    *Jamie is running it, not falling.*

    Statik: Jamie got the hang of it! =O!

    Lucky: YAY! c:

    *They both get at the ladder at the same time. DDS seems to be slowing down.*

    Statik: They're climbing it! The bags are just higher up! D:

    *Jamie grabs her back and falls and hits the net run.*

    Statik: Jamie takes the lead!

    Ririsu: WHOOO!!

    *DDS grabs her bag.*

    Snow: It's alright, it's ok! D<

    *DDS hesitates to jump.*

    Willow: Jummpp DDS! D:

    Statik: DDS doesnt wanna jump!

    *Jamie falls on the net run.*

    Explode: Jump DDS, what the hell?? >_<;

    *DDS jumps, and hits her legs hard and falls.*

    Statik: -.- Fall flat! D:

    *Jamie gets back and Lucky runs out on the course.*

    Statik: Green team in the lead!!

    *DDS runs and falls on her stomach.*

    DDS: Ow.. X__X

    *Lucky runs on the net run, to the ladder.*

    Statik: Lucky is almost at the ladder!

    *DDS runs back.*

    Statik: DDS lost..a TON of time for the Blue team. Go Leland!

    *Leland then runs across the ramp and onto the net run.*

    Alex: You got it Lelandd!!

    Roger: You're almost there, Lucky! D:

    *Lucky grabs his bag and falls, a long fall and hits the net run.*

    *Leland climbs the ladder as Lucky runs across the net run.*

    Statik: Leland has to pick it up! D:

    *Lucky gets back to his team as Leland grabs his bag and falls and hits the net run.*

    Statik: Green Team start working on the puzzle!

    *Kiah and Ririsu grab the bags and get the puzzle pieces together.*

    Roger: Come on guys come on guys D:

    Kiah: This one goes over here....

    Ririsu: kay =o

    Explode: Come on Leland!

    *Leland runs back to his team.*

    Statik: Blue Team! Start working on the puzzle!

    *Explode and Alex start working on the puzzle.*

    Statik: It could be anyone now...

    Snow: Come on team! T__T

    Kiah: This one goes to this one...

    Ririsu: Where does this one go? o.o

    Explode: Here, these 4 go together.

    Statik: Both teams are doing great. o.o Whos gonna win? D:

    Ririsu: This one goes here...

    Jamie: Come on guys!

    Leland: Come on Explode and Alex! :[

    Alex: This one goes here...


    *Statik checks their puzzle.*


    *The Green Team cheer.*

    Explode: UGH! >.<

    Alex: =[

    Snow: :/

    *Roger hugs Kiah and spins her around.*

    Kiah: Wheeee XDD

    Statik: Heres immunity! Have fun >>;

    *They take the idol and cheer more.*

    Statik: As for you, Blue Team...tribal council where someone will be voted off...head on back =/

    *The Blue Team walks away.*

    *The Green Team cheers more.*

    End of part 2 of 3! =D