• A little forest elf walked through the woods. She looked at all the flowers and birds and sighed. It never changed.
    Then she came across a lake.
    She couldn't swim, so she never had a reason to go there, but something caught her eye.

    It was a young merman, swimming in the water.
    She looked at him in awe. It looked like a lot of fun.
    She climed on top of a lillypad so she could take a better look, and sat there quietly, all day long.

    From that day on she watched him swim whenever she could, safely on her lillypad.

    Sometimes she touched the water. But it was wet and cold, not very appealing.
    Still, the merman looked like he was enjoying himself.

    One fresh spring day she build up all her courage and asked the merman; 'How do you enjoy yourself when the water is so cold and wet?'
    The merman swam towards the lillypad and chuckled.
    'Swimming is like walking to you, like breating air. It's best to enjoy it, because it's the only thing I can.'
    He leaned on the lillypad, smiling; 'But the main reason I enjoy being here, is because every morning a beautiful little forest elf akwardly climbs on a lillypad and stares at me like I'm the most special being in the whole wide world.'