As i walked through the dark forest searching for my lost love, I stumbled upon this tree that was full of fireflies it's beauty caught my eye. I walked up to get a better glimpse, when he walked out from the shadows and scared me half to death."My love has returned to me" he says.
"Who? Me..?" I asked
He kissed me, and without hesitation i looked at him with a confused look on my face. "This strange man has just kissed me" I thought.
I blinked, and when my eyes opened the brightest light i had ever seen shown so bright and as he was lifted up into the dark night sky.
As his shadowy figure floated back down to earth i stood still not knowing weather to leave or to stay to see if the man was alright. I made my move and stepped closer. The mans face was dirty almost like he hadn't bathed in weeks, yet he did not smell, and I noticed a scar on his face just like the one Taku had gotten when he was carrying some old dishes to the kitchen and slipped.
I rolled him over, I found him.Taku, my husband.
One day he had ventured off to find wood for our fire one evening and never returned and tonight he will finally be returning home with me.

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