I was born when this world was already forming itself.My mission was to protect and serve the creations of God.Truly I needed help,so I made clones of myself and made 311 clones with specific elemental powers.Then I scatered them in places of this world.But they rebelled against me and spread chaos into the land.Then one of them created a giant and flaming rock that would soon hit the world.With no time to spare,I got all the species that i could and transported them into another dimension that will soon be my angel sanctuary.The world was destroyed,I failed to my creator and the clones were nowhere to be found.I had to do something to allow this world to keep existing
Chapter 1:
The Beginning of the Demon
I had to face my punishment to allow the world being destroyed like this.God called me.He told me I was a disgrace to him and to his Angels.So he sent me to Hell,the worse place an angel could go.Once I got to those giant and terrifying gates,the demons were gazing at me,waiting for me to get closer.I stood in front of the Gate Keeper.It roared loudly.Demons sorrounded me everywhere.They got closer,and closer.They ripped my wings and my beautiful skin and they replaced them with human skin and long and purple hair,to recemble my betrayal.Then they throwed me to your world.It wasn't easy.I had to be borned again.so they found a worthy couple for me to assasinate once I borned.But before that,they escorted me to Satan.He decided if he was to vanish me to the human world,he would have to put a demon inside me to destroy the mortal world.So he picked one of his trustworthy Demons and forced it into my mouth.Then I was to be borned in California.
So I could enter the human world I had to get rid of my magical powers.But to do so it would take an eternity.So...I stayed in Hell,training and learning their deadly ways.It was painful,deadly,and bloody down there.You couldn't see anything.It was pitch black.To live,I had to learn to be blind.It was very silent.......like there was something watching you all the time.That feeling was horrifying.As a Demonic Angel,I was more powerful than the Demons there.Some of them feared me,some of them served me and others where brought by my overwelming power.So much to do,so much to learn and the time was already ended.It was the time that I was waiting for.It was time for me to go to your world.My time in Hell has changed me.Me,a Demonic Angel,servant to Heaven.......and Hell.To be reborn I had to die,and that is exactly what they did.They killed me.Now it was time to go...to the human world.
Now,inside a pathetic human,I have no choice but to wait,wait until I get out of here.With nothing to do in these nine months,I shall meditate to regain my mythical powers.Finally,the time has come to get out of this filthy mortal.While I was forced to come out the first thing I saw was a human.A disgusting sight to see.But I had to rely on these humans if I was to survive in this world.The doctor examined me.He said that there was something terribly wrong with me,pathetic fool.But my "parents" had no interest in what the doctor had to say,big mistake.Then my "parents gave me the name Gabriel Valentine.With no interest of waiting any further,I unleashed a burst of flame that destroyed the entire hospital and everyone in it.No survivors,no witnesses.I had to change my hideous appearance,so I changed from a new born into a 21 year old human mortal.
I walked around,seeing the human world and how pitiful it looks.It was night time.While I was walking around a park a figure rose from the ground.It was a Demon.It had a mission for me.My mission was to spy on the humans ways of living and their intelligence.Then It gave me an orb that was glimering.It said if this orb was to be destroyed my human body would collapse and my misson has failed.With nothing else to inform me,It descended into the ground,dissapearing into the dark.Now I have another problem in my hands,to protect an orb.An idea ocurred to me.I needed a team to help me do my mission.But they had to be humans because there is nothing else I could afford.First,I flied to a deserted place in this world,and created a bid and dark tower with spikes sorrounding it and clouds hiding it into the horizon.Now that I have my home I had to find the poor fools that were going to be my "team"
I started my search for the humans that would be controled to be my servants.To search for a worthy human I would go to a university,to find their intelligence and the humans.It seems that in these "universities" they study vast material of cience and history.Once I got to a university in this world,It was full of humans.some of them were odd,and strange,and others were.......simple.I wanted intelligent and different humans that would help me do stuff of the unknown.This is a pain,being with humans for years.This is truly not worth my valuable time.Anyways,I started with the first step in entering this God forsaken place.Practicly I did't have no records of any other schools,so my step was simple,I went to the principle,killed him and made a clone that would take his place.First step is done.Then I needed a lot of money to buy my necesities.I went to a bank and robbed it.It seemed easier than I thought,I just entered and killed them all.And know I had to get a room.......with a human.
Once I steped into that pathetic place,everyone was staring me,like there was something wrong with how i looked.Well,I didn't care.So I went to my room and put my stuff there.Then someone entered in my room.He presented himself:"Hi you must be Gabriel,nice to meet you!,my name is Nicholas.".I responded:"Look,I don't like you,you disgust me and I dont care who you are,just don't touch me or my stuff,got it!?".And he responded confused:"Hey,I don't know what i did to you or why you hate,but here we respect each other".Then I said:"Ok,you win,I'll treat you nicer,like I have no other choice".Then he got his backpack and said we were late for class.I went and got my stuff and followed him to our classroom.
Finally,my first encounter with human intelligence.I hope it would be interesting.And it wasn't,It was the most pathetic and useless information I ever laid eyes on.But,I had no choice but to stay here in this hideous rat hole.Well my first day in the human society.It was the most horryfying,disgusting,pathetic,and boring day I ever had.In the end of the day,I was in my dormitory,studying of the uninteresting material that the humans have given me.My little human friend was in his bed studying as well.I asked him:"Why do people even bother coming to this terrible place?".He responded:"Because people need an education fulled with vast information that people could only learn in here".And then he keeped studying.I was bored,but then I noticed,that this human isn't like the other mortals.He's..........different.So,I stood up and looked at him at the eyes and hypnotized him.First little fool found.Now with only four humans more to complete my little team,I staid in this place for a little more days.
Well it seemed peaceful in this area,not for long though.Well my little mortal companion won't be useful here,so I transported him into the castle to protect the orb,or at least to keep it company,it looked kinda lonely.Truly,I needed a human thats tough and big to protect the orb as well.So I went to gim class.there were a lot of big and macho humans here,but only one cought my interest.A little girl.She was the only girl abble to withstand all of these guys.Me impressed,I talked to her.Her name was Kira.And I hypnotized her as well.And now I have my second human fool.So I transported us into my castle.I went to see if my little orb was ok.It seems that my mortal helpers were doing a good job,foolish humans.With no time to waste,I went back to the human world to find the other lucky fool.Now,I still need three more members to finish my team.I returned to the university.In my way to my dormitory,I saw this guy harrasing other weak humans.He sure looked like someone worthy of killing people with me.So I got closer to him and the humans who he was torturing and hypnotized him.I left him guard me in my dormitory.Royalty must live like royalty,don't you think?The next morning it was time for me to finish reasembeling my team.So I went to my classes.In third period,I was in English class.Practicly,I would be the most intelligent in the class of course.But,there was someone who had the same intelligence as I.Her name was Inachi.Comedic little girl,she surely seems to look like a worthy servant to me.When classes were ended,I followed her and hypnotized her when she got to her room.Now,only one fool will have to be found.I went to the library to see if I find someone intelligent here.But,I didn' find no one.Well I was already here so I read a book.While I was reading,a girl entered.She was beautiful,for a human.Her hair was as gold as the heaven light.It seemed that I found my next human fool,and my human wife.I didn't want to hypnotize her for her to love me,please,I'm better than that,so I talked to her:"Hi.....I'm Gabriel.".her answer was:"Hello......If you wanna ask me out,don't do it,you look weird."I was alredy to burst in rage for this insult,but I needed her alive if I was abble to allow her to be in my team.So I said:"Here we respect each other like family,so if you mind,stop insulting people"She seriosly said:"I'm sorry Gabriel,I was hoping to get you mad before you ask me out.I like when I get guys that I like mad before they ask me"I replied:"Oh so you do like me?"She said:"Yeah,you're a nice looking guy."I said:"Well thank you."She responsed:"Where are my manners.My name is Paola,and I look foward to meet you again Gabriel."She wlaked away smiling at me,fool.But I did like her,my first human love,so disgusting!Well my team was done,kinda.Human society doesn't suspect nothing,and the orb is safe.This is starting well,but it will get worse,I can sense it........
To be continued.......
The Dark Origin
Angelus Demoni
Leo Kazama,an angel who was punished and sent to hell.Trained to kill all humans in the world.He has no choice but to serve his masters.
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