Once there was a small miserable village with a very greedy king. The king,in fact, was so greedy that he slaughtered anyone who asked for help. One day an old woman came into his castle. "Hello, your majesty..." said the old woman bowing to him. "Greetings..." he said. "Could I ask you a favor,king Your Majesty?" asked the old woman looking up to him with needy eyes. "Get the hell out of my kingdom immediately before I kill you!" the king yelled pulling out his sword. The old woman retaliated to him with words of scorn. "You are a fool! I curse your land and your whole damn family! I hope you learn your lesson!" the king swung his sword at the old woman, the sword stopping right by her face and then shattering to bits,injuring the king. The old woman left his castle with her head down. Many weeks past and nothing bad happened. "Perhaps the old woman was lying..this village is prospering greatly!" he said looking upon his land. Then, one month later, his messenger came in with a tragic message. "Sir! Your daughter fell off of the spire! It isn't a pretty sight...sir..." for moments there was silence. Then, the king, enraged, turned around. "Get...out....GET OUT!!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs repeating those two words many times, the squire running out for fear of his life. Weeks after his daughter's death passed and the village started dying little by little. People were starving,riots were happening, and there was no order to it. The king finally snapped and went out onto his steed into the village. "LISTEN TO ME MY PEOPLE! YOU WILL STOP THIS NONSENSE AT ONCE!" he yelled at the screaming and fighting masses. He repeated his yells,yet to no avail. Angrily, he swung down at a fighting pair and the sword went right through them as if there was no one there at all. Surprised, he was flung off of his horse. His horse turned a demonic black with red eyes and it ran off into the night. The people of the village got worse and worse and soon there was cannibalism and the ravaging of corpses going all around him. The king begged and pleaded in half insanity. An angel appeared in front of him,having the same beautiful voice as the old lady. "Have you realized your mistakes?" "You...did this?!YOU DID THIS!!!" he yelled drawing his sword and swinging it at the woman once more,this time the sword shattering and it taking out both of his eyes. "Let this be a lesson to you...your greed caused the genocide of humanity!" the angel said disappearing in flames. Death had risen from the ground, and with his cold dark hands he gestured and soon flesh went to bones...and bones to dust. This shows how the greed of one man can be a horror for others. So do not be greedy.
The King & the Fool
Werewolf Razuto Razuzu
A dark tale about a king's greed and a woman's anger....
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