Im A Vampire's Servant?! PT26
Well now I was seriously in pain. Not cause anything exciting has happened or anything but just because we're all remodleing my room. For everyone who's late, I completely trashed my room so now since I caused so much damage we have to remodle the whole room... yeah it's as boring, lame, and labor-inducing as it sound's. So far we managed to rip out the remaining carpet, get new glass in the window pane's, get all the bit's of glass off the floor, replaster the wall's where hole's were, and fix the heating vent.
Now for all you good hearted people wondering were I've been sleeping, I have been sharing a room with Autumn.
So quick flashback, right after I told Autumn about the rampage I had in my room everyone gathered as we decided were I could sleep. I had suggested the living room but Autumn said that it was to in the open, what with the wall of it being mostly glass. Then I suggested the basement, and Autumn said that it wasn't safe either because with no window's there woulden't be any emergancy exit's and if I was kidnaped no one upstair's would be able to here me calling for help. In my oppinion those are stupid reason's cause they contradict each other, but that's just me. So then I suggested rooming with Laura but again Autumn rejected the idea saying that Laura's room wasn't safe due to the fact that it was on the opposite side of the house from himself and Marcus. Im my oppinion I'd like to ask why it's ok for Laura to sleep there and not me? Then Marcus said he was more than willing to share a room with me which at that I choked. So then Autumn said; "Since there's no other option's left you'll have to share a room with me then." At that fell out of my chair. I started saying that I'd stay with Marcus but the creep said, "No no no lulu darling you already said no to me so your stuck sleeping with your knight in shining armor!" Both Autumn and I blushed in embarrasment. I looked at Autumn and he looked away from me, so now I dumb and the fact that Autumn woulden't look at me made me feel bad. But then Marcus laughed and said to Autumn, " Awwww don't look so humiliated, it's not like you disliked hearing it" He said with a knowing smile at that Autumn faced Marcus. But of course Marcus continued with the humiliating remark's, "I'm acctually starting to think that you only said no to Lulu darling starying in all those other places because you WANTED to share a room with her!" He stated with a devilish grin. Afetr that being said Autumn turned 3 diffrent shades of red, Marcus has over 20 bruises on his body, and i'm left wondering if Autumn really wanted to share a room with me.
End of my flashback, so that's what's going on. The first night was....weird to say the least. Autumn woulden't look at me the whole time, even though the light outside the door hit the bed he refused to close the door, and when we finally layed down he was practically falling out of the bed. So needless to say he looked horrible the next morning. " Autumn you took my joke far to seriously old friend..." Marcus said. Laura was kinda freaked out by thesight of Autumn and his messy unbrushed bedhead, PJ's, and dark circles under his eye's. Then again I wasn't all that great off either concidering the whole 40 times he fell out of the bed during the night I woke up each time. Laura said she was heading to do the shopping and Marcus was going out to do his weekly hair salon visit (he's more of a lady than i'll every be) I felt as though something was going to happen after they were gone....
Im A Vampire's Servant?! PT26
II Kazuya_Shibuya II
m'kay here's part 26 ^^ BTW i'd like to get some PM's aout weather I should end the story in like the next 4 or 5 parts cause it doesn't seem like anyone's all that interested anymore but i won't leave it completly unfinished cause that's just lame ^^ So weather it's only one person or more i need someone to tell me weather to continue or end it all thank you everyone and i hope you enjoy part 26 of the IAVS ^^
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