• If I Live To See Tomorrow Chapter 2

    Isabella's Point of View

    I kept running from him. He had betrayed my trust,and now he was here to kill me. The forest that surrounded me was blurred as I ran through it all. I had to get away. He's going to kill me. I was almost to the edge of the forest when I tripped over a rock. I screamed out in pain,my ankle was probably broken. I could tell he was getting closer. All I could see were red eyes. His eyes were red,and the Dark Angel's eyes were red. I tried to crawl out of there,but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me toward him. I dug my fingernails into the ground to try and stay where I was,but he was super strong. I looked up at him and he smiled the worst smile I could have ever seen. "You're going to die,Isabella,"He said. I screamed.

    I woke up gasping for air and my hair was stuck to my head from where I had been sweating. I put my hand over my heart,feeling it speed up and I could hear the thump thump of my heart. My older brother Jason ran into my room,"Izzie! Are you okay?!" I looked at him my face full of confusion. "You were screaming,"He said as he walked closer toward me."Oh. I'm fine. It was just a nightmare,"I said,relieved that my hearbeat was finally slowing down. "What was it about?"He asked as he sat on the edge of my bed. I thought about it. What was my nightmare about? I couldn't remember anything about it except for,"You're going to die." Jason's eyes widened,"What?" I shook my head,"That's all I could remember from my nightmare. The guy said that I was going to die." Jason sighed,"Well don't worry. Angel told you that you would get dreams like that. It's not true. Just because you're the last Light Angel doesn't mean anyone is going to kill you. Now,go back to sleep. You have school in two hours." I nodded,"Okay." I sighed and laid back down,closing my eyes. "Night Izzie,"Jason said as he walked out of the room. I was already fast asleep dreaming dreams that weren't so scary.

    James's Point of View

    She's so beautiful... I thought as I watched her from my car that was pulled up into the school parking lot. She was with a group of friends at the front of the school. She was wearing a black v-neck long sleeve with a white camisole underneath. She had on a pair of tight jeans and black converse. Her beautiful blonde hair was down and it cascaded down from her shoulders. She was laughing,showing her perfect white teeth. I smiled and got out of the car. Logan looked at me like I was crazy and didn't follow me. I walked past the group and every single person in the group turned to stare at me. I could hear people whispering,"Who is he?" I smiled and walked into the school. I went straight into the office and asked the person at the desk if I could speak to the principal. She nodded and I followed her into the prinicpal's office. The principal was a fat,plump looking man,but his heart was a heart of gold. I could see how kind he was from his mind. He loved kids and that's why he worked here. "I'm James Walker. I don't know if you remember,but we talked yesterday. I'm going to be attending this school,"I said and smiled,holding out my hand for him to shake. The principal smiled and shook my hand,"Ah! Mr.Walker! I remember you. I have your schedule and locker combination for you. I put you into all the classes that my most trusted student is in. She will help you with anything you need." I smiled and put my hand back to my side after he was done shaking it,"Thank you very much Mr. Wheeler." Mr.Wheeler looked behind me and smiled,"Ah! Here she is now. Mr.James Walker. This is Ms.Isabella Miller." I couldn't believe it. Isabella was the girl who was in every single one of my classes. I turned to look at her and she stole my breath away. She was even more beautiful close up. She smiled a smile fit to be on the front of a magazine,"Hello James." She held out a hand for me to shake. I shook her hand and tried to ignore the electric current that had just shot up my arm. It looked like she had felt it too because a blush was coming to her cheeks. "Hello Isabella,"I said with a smile on my face. "Ms.Miller,could you please show Mr.Walker around before school starts?"Mr.Wheeler asked. I think Mr.Wheeler had to be my favorite adult ever. "I would love to,"Isabella said and she smiled another lovely smile at me. My heart seemed to race when she smiled and that's when I knew. I wasn't going to be able to kill that last remaining Light Angel.