• I dedicate this story to those five mysterious handsome men who inspired me. Without their shocking beauty, this novelette would've never even been made. Wherever you are and whoever you are.

    As I gave the money to the cashier, I looked at the five of them sitting on the table in the back of the food court from the corner of my eyes. I know I've seen them somewhere before, but where?

    As I make my way through the crowd of girls surrounding the four of them, I sit about two tables away. It was kind of annoying with all the giggling and cheering going on in my back. I unwrapped my burger and poked the straw in my Coke. I grabbed the cup and sipped the soda up when suddenly, I noticed the laughter and giggles faded and the sounds of steps began. I must admit, I was curious to know what had caused the sudden silence that provided me with a few seconds of peace. I turned my head around quickly and right before I knew it, my lips were locked with one of them, who just happened to be leaning behind me. Though my eyes went blank with shock, I could imagine what was going through the minds of all those girls: THE HELL?!?!
    -"I'm tired of you always being forgetful, Kyra."- He suddenly said after he stood up straight. The man with dark straight hair and royal blue eyes looked down at me with a captivating grin on his face. It was the Runway model I saw leaning on the car earlier today. I just sat there perplect, with my eyes wide open and a burger in my hands and, honestly, my mouth wanting more. I could still feel the warmth of his lips on mine and the... wait a minute! I stood up as I came back to reality: I just got kissed by a stranger. When my eyes met his, I made sure I had a serious and determined look... but with such beautiful eyes he had, who could stare at him like that? But I had to keep up.
    -"Hey! Runway model, the hell you just did?"- I demanded for my explanation. I turned around angrily to face the other three and glared at each and one of them darkly. -"And who the hell are you?!"- I saw Nolan, Grant, and to my even bigger surprise, the foreign movie director. I gasped. Nolan was, like last time, glaring at me with his piercing beautiful eyes.
    -"Runway model?"- He asked from behind.

    I grabbed my stuff and left the food court quickly. I needed time to think and relax, and try to remember were have I seen those guys before?

    I grabbed my phone and dialed Miles number quickly. Grace answered it, to my surprise.
    -"Hello?"- Her caramel voice answered.
    -"Hi, Grace, it's me Kyra. Is Miles around?"- I asked in a puzzled tone.
    -"Yeah but he's sorta unavailable. Want me to give him your message?"- Of course he was unavailable... for me, that is.
    -"Yeah sure, why not?"- I replied uninterested.
    -"Of course, he's been sleeping soundly up till now."- She said. I thought he just didn't want to talk to me. But I guess I was wrong. He was just sleeping. -"But I must tell you."- She continued. -"He's been in a bad mood recently. I don't know what happened to him. I don't know if to ask him either. Do you know anything that might have to do with this, Kyra?"- She asked. Her tone sounded worried. Of course she should be.
    -"No, I have no clue whatsoever."- I lied. We said our goodbyes and hung up. I needed to tell Miles, indirectly, about this uneasyness of mine.