• “Mumble mumble”
    “Huh, where am I?”
    “Where is this place?”
    Shou looked around all confused.
    Shou kept yelling, but no one responded.
    He looked around once again. He was in a kind of garden full of white roses.
    He raised and walked around in the garden for a few seconds.
    Still no respond.
    Suddenly, Shou could hear someone sing.
    He hid behind some bushes, he didn't know why he hid, but in some way he felt scared.
    The singing got louder and louder. And when he could see who it was, he couldn't believe his own eyes. It was singing cards. The cards started to paint all the white roses red. They were still singing but Shou couldn't hear what they were singing, so he went closer. He could hear that they sang something about, painting the roses red so that the queen wouldn't chop off their heads. Shou thought he had heard the song somewhere before, but he couldn't quit remember.
    One of the cards suddenly got his nose painted red, and Shou started to laugh. The cards heard him, and approached him slowly.
    “Help us paint the roses red, hurry up, or the queen will notice that we planted white roses instead of red” The cards gave Shou a bucket of red paint and a paint brush. They started pushing him in the back as a sign of that he shut get started.
    Shou thought that it wouldn't harm to help them a bit so he started to paint the roses red.
    After some time, Shou heard some trumpets playing, he didn't think over it and just continued painting the roses red. But all the cards started panicking, and pushed Shou down to the ground. “It's her” “It's her” The cards kept repeating themselves. Shou got confused, he looked up, and there stood some red cards in front of him.
    The red cards moved aside, and Shou could see two people step foreword.
    “Saga? Hiroto?”
    The Short one looked at Shou. “Who are you?”
    “Hiroto, don't play dumb, it's me, Shou”
    “Dumb, dumb? Did he just call me dumb?”
    “I think he did dear” Saga stepped foreword.
    “Shut up king, I didn't ask you!”
    “Yes dear” Saga stepped back behind Hiroto again.
    “Okay, what's going on?” Shou stood up and brushed the dirt of his clothes.
    “What is going on, is that you are standing in my garden, and you are insulting your queen!”
    “My queen?”
    “Yes, I'm the queen, can't you see the crown?”
    “Hiroto, a queen!?” Shou started laughing, and he couldn't hold the tears back since he was laughing so hard. Hiroto, or the queen, got all red in the face.
    “OFF WITH HIS HEAD!” After Hiroto scream that all the cards gathered around him.
    Shou could see that someone came running, the person grabbed his arm and kept running.
    When they were out of the garden, the person slowed down, but was still running.
    “Here you should be safe!” The person looked at Shou. He recognized the person, it was non other than Nao.
    “Nao? What are you doing here? And.. Why are you wearing rabbit ears?”
    Nao looked at him.
    “Sorry but have we met before?”
    Shou was surprised, not even Nao could recognise him.
    Shou wanted to cry, but kept the tears in.
    “I'm Shou” Shou thought that he would just play along.
    “Nice to meet you Shou. I'm the rabbit”
    “the rabbit? Is that you're name?”
    “no, actually my name is Nao”
    Shou just smiled.
    “You better get going, they will soon catch up on us”
    Nao looked around and then he suddenly ran away.
    “Wait!” But Nao was already gone.
    Shou looked around, he didn't know where he was, but he started to walk toward a forest. He kept walking for a long time. He stopped when he got to a big tree with some signs on. He looked at the signs, but they were blank.
    “What do I do now”
    “You just do what you want to do, it's a free forest”
    Shou turned around, but he couldn't see anyone.
    “Who's talking” he asked.
    “Just a silly little cat”
    “where are you, show yourself”
    Shou looked around once again, but he could still not see anyone.
    “Look up” the voice said.
    Shou looked up in the tree. It was Tora.
    “Yes, that is my name”
    “Don't you recognise me?”
    Shou looked down, another band member who didn't recognize him.
    “Who are you? Tora asked.
    “I'm Shou, and you know that!”
    Tora looked at Shou with some wondering eyes.
    “I don't think I've seen you around here before” Tora said.
    “Tora, stop joking around, where am I?”
    “You are in a forest” Tora laughed.
    “I know that, but where is this forest?”
    “Behind the castle where queen Hiroto and king Saga live” Tora said.
    “How do I get out of here?” Shou asked.
    “To get out of this forest, you have to go right, then you come to Miku's house, I think he is having a tea party with Teruki and Kanon” Tora said.
    “The guys from An cafe?” Shou stood thinking for a moment.
    “An cafe, no, they are just some plain guys”
    “Plain guys?”
    He looked up in the tree, but Tora was gone.
    No one responded.
    “He said if I go right, I guess I'll do that then” Shou said to himself.
    Shou went right, and kept walking for some time, just like Tora said, he came to a house. There were a sign outside the house that said “Miku”
    He went inside the garden. There was a table in the garden, and around the table sat Miku, Teruki and Kanon.
    “Excuse me?” Shou said.
    “Excuse me? Excuse me?” Yomi repeated.
    “Who are you?”
    “I'm Shou”
    “Sit down and get a cup of tea!” Miku said. Miku was wearing a weird big hat and Teruki had some weird brown rabbit ears on. Kanon was laying on the table, he was wearing mouse ears.
    “Why are you all so weird dressed up?”
    “Dressed up, we are not dressed up, are we Kanon?”
    Kanon mumbled a bit, he seemed to be asleep.
    “Oh, he is asleep again” Teruki said.
    “Um, Tora, the cat...”
    “CAT, CAT, CAT? WHERE?” Kanon suddenly woke up and started to run around on the table.
    “Don't say the C word” Miku said.
    “Teruki, put some marmalade on his nose” Teruki did what Miku had told him and putted some marmalade on Kanon's nose. Kanon immediately fell asleep on the table again. Shou didn't understand a thing of what was happening.
    “How do I get out of here?” Shou asked.
    “through the door on your left, here is the key” Miku gave Shou a little key, and pointed at a little door in the bushes.
    “How am I supposed to get through here?” Shou asked all confused.
    “Drink this” Teruki gave Shou a bottle with a sign that said “Drink me”
    “Only drink a bit, or else you will shrink in” Miku said.
    Shou drank a bit of the liquid there was in the bottle. Suddenly he shrunk, he wasn't bigger than an insect.
    He went towards the door, he stuck the key inside the keyhole and turned the key. The door opened by itself and Shou went inside.
    The door closed behind him, and he was all alone again.