• many of u have been asking me why i look as i do, so here is

    my story

    The beginning.

    it all started when i was 10. i was a child genius. while
    doing research in the woods, i ran into a young dragon. this
    was when i came to be interested with dragons.she followed me
    home. back at my basement lab, i studied and took dna
    samples from her shedded scales. at no time did i ever put
    her in a cage of any kind, she stayed of her own free will.

    the transformation

    after several months, i created a serum that would slowly
    make me part dragon.the serum acted much like hemlock, in
    that it worked from the feet up. after several hours my legs
    where completely covered in scales. then, the transformation
    reached my appemdix resulting in a tail. after my torso was
    covered in scales, the transformation seemed to stop. i did
    some x-rays, and found out that my organs are taking longer
    to transform than my skin.it is also more painful. this is
    why i must take painkillers.one pill every hour.

    the clone

    soon i became lonely. no one would come near me thanks to my
    transformation. so i got an idea. why not make a clone? and
    so i did. it took several months, but i did it. i checked my
    computer, and he was alive, and an exact copy of me. the
    only problem, is that he acted as if in a coma, but he
    wasn't. i couldn't find the problem, so i placed him on my
    autopsy table, for later disection. but first, i needed to
    make a vocal log for the day (i'll put the script here

    the bloody fight

    while making my daily log a heard a "thud". i turned around,
    add saw my clone standing, facing the table. i walked up to
    him, and tapped him on the shoulder. He quickly spun around
    and punched me in the stomach so hard it sent me flying
    across the room, and into a table that held several
    beakers,test tubes, and other glassware. cutting into the
    back of my head, and arms thankfully the scales on my back
    and legs are tough enough to block bullets,so glass did
    nothing. as i lie there ,still dazed from the hit, i could
    barely see him reaching for the sword i keep on my wall as a
    decoration. i reached under the table, and pulled out a
    spare chain.as he charged at me with the sword, i quickly
    looped the chain around the sword, and spun to the side,
    pulling the sword from his hand. i then wrapped the chain
    around his neck, and tried to strangle him. after a short
    struggle he reached over and picked up a scalple. he thrust
    it into my eye, which made me let go with one hand, while
    the other got stuck in the chain. my clone then flipped me
    off, and used the chain to hold up my arm, as he broke it
    with his foot.he then held me up with one hand. thats when i
    noticed, he had horns!! at this point, i realized my
    mistake. i didn't give him a soul. he became possesed by a
    demond! he held up his other hand, only, it was no longer a
    hand, but a claw. he slashed my forehead, and threw me at my
    computer screens. they exploded,i got electrical burns, and
    fell to the ground.he slowy walked towards me ready to
    deliver the final blow. luckily i was able to grab the
    revolver i keep under my computer desk. i took aim, and
    shot.the shot hit him between the eyes, and went all the way
    through his head. he stood there for a a few seconds, then
    faded to a black smoke and drifted out the window.

    the aftermath

    after the fight, i grabbed the scalple that was still stuck
    in my eye, and ripped it out. battered and bloody, i crawled
    up the stairs, and out to the street. there, i blacked out.
    i awoke days later in the hospital. according to the doctors
    because of the demond that attacked me, my wounds would
    never heal. i asked the nurse how i got here, she said that
    a young woman carried me in, but no one remembers any more
    details than that.


    my clone is still alive, he looks like me, but without
    injury, and he has horns and hand-claws. if you see him run.
    he is only after me, but wont think twice about killing you
    if you get in his way.one shot to the head will make him
    dissapear, but he will be back the next day. you have been