• Epilouge

    In a village near the Neverglades........... There were the order of the Dragonslayers
    the Dragonslayers are fierce fighters and more and more people want to be recruted but only a few get selected.....

    Galanoth the head of the Dragonslayers was sent on an urgent quest by the king of the valley
    to get Dragonbane for the king. When Galanoth returned a peseant Came bursting through the castle doors yelling, "dragon!!!, dragon!!!!" The peasent explained that a draogn was terorrizing the whole village and destroyed nearly anything in its path. The King then sent Galanoth to slay the dragon....
    Galanoth then went in search of the dragon to slay he found it at last. He yelled, "prepare to meet thy sword you foul beast!!" Galanoth jumped in the air his dragon blade glowed with fury He hit the dragon with the sword but the draggons flame was to strong for the blade to penetrate the skin of the dragon Galanoth Fallen and defeated layed on his knees screaming in agony. A huge blast of power came out of nowhere and lead the dragons to the forest and dissapeared in the darkness of the trees...He'll be back said the king. Galanoth was grateful that the king has saved him from the terrible damage the dragon has done. When they arrived at the castle The king knew that galanoth alone was not enough to slay the beast. The king asked any of the dragonslayers who would aid Galanoth on the quest to slay the dragon. None of the dragonslayers Were man enough to step up except for one boy....... His name was Rex mark. A new dragonslayer who has just been recrutied
    The king raised his eyebrows raised up with interest... ahh so your brave enough to slay the dragons...........

    To Be Cointinued..............