My name’s Kano and I’m now wanted in 26 states. But before I go too far, let me tell you a bit about how this happened.
As of today, October 24th, 2011, I’m officially 16 years old. I just got my driver’s license and a brand new black Ferrari, and taken it for a ride. Now I come from a rich family, but I wasn’t expecting a Ferrari. Normally I probably wouldn’t have gotten one, but the price has gone down over the years. Now it’s $1 a gallon, and the Ferraris have been made eco friendly. Isn't that awesome?
Anyways, so I’m driving down the road, and all of a sudden, this collossal 16 wheel demon truck thing appears out of nowhere and starts driving straight towards me! I don’t have time to try and swerve and avoid it, so I say my last minute confessions, and prepare to die. Then things get weirder when the truck thing goes right through me instead of crashing into me. I still freak out, but then the truck disappears! I sit for a few minutes and catch my breath then drive home.
Later, after dinner, I had an in-game Superhero Life conversation with my 3 closest buds, Este, Tsuki, and Taiyou. One thing about them: we all have the same birthday. It’s not actually that bad since they’re my friends. It’s pretty fun. They all turned 16 today too. Also, since it's not obvious, Tsuki and Taiyou are identical twins. I told them about the truck, and they don’t actually laugh, like I figured they would. It turns out that a similar thing happened to each of them. Claire was at the movies seeing the new chick flick Anything For You, when one of the people next to her suddenly morphed into a giant rose monster thing, and she almost got away, but she tripped on a step on the way out and fell. Before she could get up, the monster grabbed her and was about to eat her when it suddenly disappeared into thin air, like the truck. And then JC and CJ were at the arcade when one of the dragons from the Medieval Dragon Dungeon came out of the screen and almost flattened them with its huge foot. They rolled out of the way, but not before they hit their heads on another game and just about got roasted by the dragon when, like the other monsters, suddenly disappeared. We all decided to keep this info on the DL from our parents, or at least for now. We also decided to meet up tomorrow, since it’ll be a Saturday. We agree on meeting at the local bookstore and cafe, To Read or Not to Read, at 12 for lunch and to discuss what happened and compare experiences. After that, I tried to get some sleep, but I ended up watching TV most of the night.
When I meet up with Claire, JC, and CJ, we first say Happy Birthday and exchange presents. Claire got us all $100 gift cards to the mall, and JC and CJ got Claire and I $100 gas cards. I guess I forgot to mention that Claire, JC, and CJ are also fairly wealthy too. I got Claire a The Science Emporium gift card, and JC and CJ arcade token exchange cards for 200 tokens.
After we finish with that, we order lunch and begin to discuss yesterday’s odd events. I won’t bore you with the details, but we decided to look up our experiences on the Internet and in books, then to report any findings tonight at 6 on SuperHero Life, the mmo I talked about a little bit earlier. (The one where I told the guys about the truck last night).
We split up research types by knowledge. Claire got the book research, since she’s a big reader. I got the chat rooms, because I know the most about text lingo, and JC and CJ got the two biggest Internet search engines, YouSearch, and QuickKnow.
I decided to start with OccultTalk, an online chat room for people interested in magic and myths, though calling something a myth on OccultTalk is probably a bad idea, because most people there take their subjects VERY seriously. It took all my persuasive skills to uncover a hidden chat room about our exact situation, but I finally got into it. To keep from getting kicked out somehow (you’d be surprised to find out how fast you can get kicked out, even without saying anything), I decided to block my arrival from the other people, and just listen for a while and go from there.
Chapter 3
It turns out that the people on OccultTalk knew all about the origins on the illusions. They’re called hellions. I looked up hellion, and found out that they don’t seem to exist anywhere on the Internet. I kept looking and eventually found a website called unfortunateinheritance.com, so I went there.
When I get there, I went straight to the site info page and this is what I find:
Welcome to Unfortunate Inheritance.com. Assuming that you’ve come here to use this site as a site for a prank on a friend or unsuspecting foe, please leave right away, as this is not a joke, and never will be. If you’re here due to mysterious circumstances in which large, probably scary apparitions have appeared and attacked you, friends, and/or family, then you’ve come to the right website. We have plenty of information for you to use to your discretion, but let this be your only warning: the moment you entered this website for serious reasons, you changed your life forever. If you choose to continue, you will encounter many unlikely, of if you will, impossible pieces of information, but let us assure you, none of the info contained on this website is false, or a joke. All of it is terribly real. Again, if you are serious, continue to the link given at the bottom of this page. We are sorry that family history has brought you to this website. Please use this information wisely, and do not give it to anyone who is not involved or you do not trust with your life and do not mind cursing the rest of theirs irreversibly.
Wow, I thought. Sounds creepy. Maybe I should find a different website… No! This important! Don’t wimp out now! Your friends are counting on you! You have keep looking so we can clear this whole weird mess up! I clicked the link at the bottom of the page and waited for it to load.
Chapter 4
I’d half expected for the next page to just say HA HA! TRICKED YOU!, but the next page was a pre-member quiz to help personalize info found to match your situation. When I was finished with that, I went to the register page and signed up for an account on the site. Once activated via email, I went to the inheritance info page.
If you’re reading this, then you’ve read the warning page. It turns out that someone in your family has come into contact with the Hellion King, or the Book of Hellions. Either way, they’ve cursed your family indefinitely. As the warning page mentioned, you have probably come in contact with scary apportions. They are all hellions. As you may be wondering, hellions are mischievous shape-shifting monsters that enjoy scaring humans in various ways depending on their personality. However, if a human comes into contact with their king or sacred text they become deadly serious and determined to find and kill that human before the Hellion’s existence becomes known. If that human dies by anything other than a hellion, they begin hunting their kin and/or family, which is most likely, if not 100% certainly, what is currently happening to you. The only way you can stop the hellions is to kill the king, which may prove great difficulty unless that family member has come into possession with a magical artifact, which, in turn has been passed down to you. If so, that artifact is your greatest hope of defeating the King. The artifacts usually come as necklaces or rings. We suggest that you find that artifact (if you have one) and set about the task quickly so that your life can return to near normality. If you don’t, you and your family will be followed and relentlessly attacked without mercy until the end of time.
Well, that can’t be good, I thought as I printed off the page for the others to see.
Chapter 5
The next day, I met up with everyone for lunch at To Read or Not To Read to discuss our findings. JC and CJ found pictures and info about the power artifacts, a.k.a “Hellion Jewelry”. Claire found out a little about famous hellions remembered by history. It turns out that the different types of “jewelry” contain different powers. Some have elemental powers, while others have psychic abilities such as mind reading and telekinesis. Some famous hellions include: Puck, Bigfoot, and Dracula. “Are you serious?” I asked. “Considering recent events”, she replied, “What do you think?”“Fair.” “So what do we do now?” Asked JC. “Well…” Said Claire, “Let’s look for some artifacts in our houses together.” “Wait a second!” Yelled CJ. “What?” “WHAT? HOW CAN YOU GUYS TAKE THIS SO CALMLY? JUST YESTERDAY, WE WERE ATTACKED BY MONSTERS! MONSTERS! “Calm down bro!”Said JC. “This is hard for all of us, but we have to come up with a plan if we’re going to sort this out.”CJ sighed. “You’re right”, he said, “This is just starting to confuse and scare me at the same time and it’s hard to deal with right now.””You can say that again,” I said.
- by Wizardmons |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/07/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Untitled Chp.1-4 & Part of 5
- Artist: Wizardmons
- Description: This is what I have so far for a book I'm writing. Please do not be rude and be all like "this is f***ing horrible! youre never gonna get this published!" or whatever. I don't mind if you say nice things or leave constructive critisism though. Hope you enjoy! Also: feel free to leave ideas for a name for the book.
- Date: 06/07/2009
- Tags: book untitled
- Report Post
Comments (2 Comments)
- Neko-Ryuku - 09/18/2009
- I was a bit confused... did you change the names of the friends part-way through? Also, please use a different paragraph per person when dealing with speech; it makes it easier to read that way. Normally I don't bother reading something if it isn't spaced properly because it's hard on the eyes, but the plot was compelling, so I continued. Other than that, the story seems pretty good. Everything happens pretty quickly-- maybe too quickly, but it was otherwise enjoyable.
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- Wizardmons - 06/09/2009
- if you vote, please post why thanks
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