As Tom walked around the empty house he felt a little scared. It was silent, apart from the creaking of the floorboards as he moved. He moved slowly through the dining room, taking one last look at the house he was leaving behind. He glazed into the far corner of the room where the old black and white TV use to be, then he decided it was time to leave. As he turned around to face the door, he noticed a small tatty book lying on the ground.
He walked over to it and picked it up, it was dusty and looked over a 100 years old. He looked around, wondering how this book had mysteriously got there. Confused, he wiped some of the dust of the cover, however there was no title, just a brown cover. Tom couldn't help but wonder what the book was about, so he sat upright against the wall and began to read.
The book told of an ancient myth, of a woman, called ruby, who had died in the very house he was sat in. The story was of how she was bullied by a group of lads, and after months of bullying, she was walking home along the long cobbled road that led up to the house, when suddenly the group of lads jumped out from behind a bush and began chasing her. She ran as fast as she could towards her house, but once she was there the lads were still chasing her, she ran upstairs into the bathroom, but they still followed. They broke down the door and and attacked her, then drowned her.
Tom sat up straight, the little hairs on his neck were now stood up. He wondered to himself whether it was true or not, but he didnt believe it. He stood up when suddenly 'BANG'. Someone was upstairs. He dropped the book on the floor, and slowly moved towards the stairs. As he got there, he looked up, and saw a shadow move fastly accross the landing towards the bathroom. Scared, he began slowly walking up the stairs, and towards the bathroom.
The door was shut, but not locked. Shaking, and now very scared, he put his hand out and opened the door. There, right in front of him was a ghost like figure. Tom could barely believe his eyes, the woman from the book, the book that had magically appeard in his dining room was stood there before him.
She was crying, staring at Tom. Tom wanted to say something, but he was too scared. They stood there staring at each other, both looking like they were too frightend to move, when finally Tom managed to build up the courage to speak.
'Are y...y....you..r...ruby?' he asked nervously.
The ghost like figure raised her hand and pointed towards the mirror.
'No. She is.'
Tom's head turned towards the mirror. 'Arrrrrgghhhhhhhh', he screamed as he saw the face of another ghost like woman inside the mirror. She was far more scary, her face looked battered and wrinckled like an old witch. Her mouth opened and a foul breath slipped out.
'You have unleashed a great terror.....let the chasing game begin.'
The Chasing Game
The Phantom Puppet
I dreamt this once.
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