• It was a dark night.
    Sarah was up with all of her lights on and a cross hung around her neck.
    This was the only protection she had against the evil, and she needed it if she were to survive. The words replayed in her head, 'The Vampiress is out tonight.' her friends had warned her, and now here she was, lying in bed, unable to sleep through her fear.
    What if she were picked? the thought ran through her mind and she quickly pushed it aside.
    No, she would be a lucky one, and she would survive the night. Sarah glanced at her clock. It was 5 before twelve, and they would be roaming about at midnight.
    Sarah snuggled deeper inside her blankets as she remembered last years hunt, she had not been harmed- but her best friend, Opal, had been killed.
    A shivver creeped through her spine and she let out a frightened sigh, she wished that a friend would've been there with her to comfort her.
    The alarm on her clock went off, and she jumped a little at the sound, than quickly turned it off. Sarah didn't want noise to alert that she was there.
    The wind blew hard on her window, causing tree branches to tap on the glass. The plants made awful shadows on her bedroom floor.
    The moon was full tonight, she noticed, and quickly realized that it was bad. The full moon, colored red, up in the sky when they were coming.
    A sound came from downstairs, the sound of her front door squeaking slowly, almost as if someone... or something was coming inside... now she heard footsteps, or was it just her imagination, as someone crept slowly up her stairway.
    She held her breath.
    The footsteps came closer, closer, and stopped by her door.
    Suddenly, the lights flickered, and they finally gave way and she was now in complete darkness. She could see nothing except the light that the moon gave.
    Her door slowly opened as a dark figure walked in, she heard a soft hiss of pleasure as the thing neared her.
    It climbed by her side and Sarah could feel it breathing slowly on her neck, its mouth opened to strike.
    "Vampiress." it hissed in her ear.
    Oh god! She thought to herself as it came nearer to her throat... nearer, just until the teeth barely broke the skin...