Chapter one
“I told you” I explained to Him, “She isn’t here I’ve searched the whole town and been to her house several times she is not there”. I was new to town and my name was Tanesael Arusaki but those who truly new me called me either Tanesael: The Unforgiving. The One sent me here. The One likes to be referred to as Him or He for some reason. He was the one who appointed all the missions. I was to be here in town looking for s girl by the name of Anira Yourongi. I was told she was about 5”4’ and worked at home and wrote books as a living for some reason The One was interested in her. He gave me her address but she wasn’t home. I talked to some of her neighbors they said that they only saw her a few times and she didn’t come out of her house much, only for groceries that’s about it.
In my apartment was when it happened. On the news was Anira. For some reason I knew it was she even though I had never seen her in my entire life. She was beautiful. For some odd reason I didn’t even look to see I am not quite sure but for some reason it seems I had known her before I even met her. I went to The One to talk about it. I then asked him “what was that I did before I came to be your little retriever?” He answered with the strangest look on his face “you are no mere retriever your destiny flows far beyond the moon and the suns, your life will go many directions and travel many places you are an angel and this is your destiny, follow me and live forever, disobey me and you not only die you will be tortured to deepest levels of hell and the if you die during the torturing you will be resurrected and you will watch everyone you love die.”
In the apartment when I first saw Anira on the news there is something I did remember other than the extravagant beauty I did notice where she was at the time she was going to be at the local bookstore Books for a Buck signing her new book. When I got there I saw her beautiful long black hair and blue eyes in the sun. It was mid-spring and eighty-two degrees outside so she wanted to have her books signed outside she wrote a very horror romance type of books. She also wrote music but she didn’t make very much money off of that. I could tell she been up al night her eyes were circled with black bags she tried to cover it up with makeup but I could tell that didn’t work.
I walked over to her and asked, “Are you Anira Yourongi.” Already knowing the answer.
She then replied wit a little giggle “Yes, and you would be who?”
I then responded with a smile “ I am Tanesael I need you to come with me”
She gasped, “ Your one of them aren’t you?”
“One of who?” I asked.
“The Federation of Investigators, you know the F.O.I.” She said
“Sorry I’m not familiar with them” I replied with a faint smile.
“Thank god” She was relived to say. “I thought you were going to take me away. You know the people here are corrupt especially the government”.
I then continued to tell her “I need you to come with me.”
After a straight thirty minutes she finally came with me.
On our way home she thought she spotted something in a slim dark alleyway. She was right there was something down there. One of them was a large man wearing all black and a ski mask the other was of about 23 wearing jeans a plain white tee and I supposed a jacket but it was on the ground at the time. I tapped the larger man on the shoulder and told him “Stop now!”
He replied with a large grin “wanna serve your self as a replacement?”
“Give me your best” I replied.
He let his grip off of the bleeding young man. After one punch at my face he knew it was over. I caught the punch with my hand looked at him and laughed “nice try” I then took one punch at his stomach. He flew towards the young fellow he was taking a pounding on before and he didn’t get up for a long time. They were both dead. I walked off with Anira.
Three days after that incident Anira called me she asked if I could come over to talk she said she needed to tell me some important things, things that were vital. I was so confused that by the time I got to her house I was tripping over my own feet. When I saw her stomach seemed to ease up a bit I wasn’t quite as scared that she was going to be angry at what I did to the men but instead she seemed happy, really happy. I was now more confused than ever in my life. She then walked to the door gave me a hug and said, “ Nice to see you, please sit down at the table.” It was nicely set nice floral linens and silverware to match it. She had a nice meal setup for us. I could tell she was a good cook just by the way the food looked I realized she was a really good cook when I tasted the food. She had the lights dimmed very low and candles were lit all over the room. I then exclaimed, “ So what’s the occasion”
With a sly grin on her face she said, “ this is how most rooms are these days with the electricity bills”.
After dinner she walked by me picked up my plate and whispered “go to my room last door on the right, ill be in there soon”
On my way to her room I saw many things on her walls mostly pictures she had a picture of her and another guy at a wedding. It was her wedding. Also on the way to her room I looked in a few of the other rooms. She had 2 very nicely decorated bathrooms both with marble counters and a shower. She also had a child’s room but no kids. I didn’t say a word about it. When I went to her room I noticed many things she had a Christian bible to the right of the bed on a nightstand and on the left nightstand there sat a knife with very strange carvings into it. One of those carvings was a star al the others were just tribal cravings for decoration and some carvings for a grip. I sat down on the bed and waited. She didn’t come for about twenty minutes. During those twenty minutes I studied her room. The walls were painted with a yellowish white color. Her carpet was a bluish grey and had quite a few stains on it. Her closet was quite large a big walk in closet but not much in it, only a few pairs of shoes and a jacket or two were stored in it. On her dresser there were only pictures of her and that other guy.
She finally walked in with her beautiful long black hair that almost reached her feet. As she entered the door she said “sorry to keep you waiting”
“I’m fine, so what was it you wanted to come and talk to me about?” I lied, I was really tired but l just wanted her happy. Was this love?
“It’s about the two men three days ago”. She replied almost about to cry.
“I didn’t know what came over me and I dint mean to kill either of them” I replied this time telling the truth but I had a feeling of what happened The One was behind it.
That night we laid on her bed and told each other about our lives it seemed like she had told me every detail of every aspect of her life. She obviously didn’t talk with other people a lot and she always seemed shy around me. I definitely didn’t tell her everything, I didn’t say a word about The One or what I was doing here, I barely even knew what I was doing here but for some reason it seemed like he didn’t want her for any good reason. Was He going to kill her? Was he going to kill me? Just use me than throw away my life like a tissue. No, I am not going to let that happen. But what if he finds me after I already get away from his grasp would he just smash me like a bug? I think its best to stay on his good side.
That night on the way back to my apartment two very large men stopped me. I said, “What’s the problem?”
With a grin on his face one of them said “we’re just gonna give you what you deserve.”
“What are you talking about?” I said, very confused
“You’re the one who killed our friend. Right? ” They both replied at the same time.
“Uh I think so.” I said having already forgotten about it
“Hey Moe,” The first one said, “Why don’t you hold him and ill hit him?”
Without knowing what I was saying I said, “ You wouldn’t want to do that, you might get hurt.”
“Grab him Moe,” The first one said.
As Moe moved towards me trying to get around to my back I tripped him threw him at the ground then while he was on the ground I picked up a rock and smashed his face in with it. Then his friend made his move. He ran towards me with a Colt .44, I threw the rock at his face and kicked the gun out of his hands. With the gun in my hand and him on the ground I shot him dead.
Coming back to my senses I looked at the dead body in front of me, the bullets in his body then at the gun in my head. I was so confused I went back to my apartment as soon as possible. When I got to my apartment I talked to The One some more. “What is happening to me?” I asked.
He replied, “Nothing is happening this is your destiny, your destiny is to remove all non believers or anyone who gets in your way everyone you’ve killed so far was in the way of my plan”
“What plan?” I said, “Does it involve Anira?”
“Why else would I ask for her?” he said with a little chuckle.
“Um I’m not quite sure, but I haven’t found her yet.” I lied hoping he wouldn’t notice
“Keep searching, I know she’s here!” He demanded.This time knowing exactly what I was doing I yelled back “I am done working for you this is the last time you are ever telling me what to do.” He turned back around with the most distressed face; no one had ever talked to him like this. He had no idea how to respond. He then yelled back “if you walk away now you’ll be dead within a week.
I then replied, “Fine but how many people are going to die?”
“I don’t know,” he replied “a thousand a hundred thousand maybe even a million”
Lying I said, “Fine but I can’t get started until I find Anira. Ok?”
“Well,” he said, “what are you waiting for?”
I woke up in my apartment with the lights on and the TV on too. I called Anira right away. “Anira” I said “you have to leave town right away. Ok?”
“What? Is something wrong?” she replied she seemed worried. Really worried.
“Yes” I said, “I mean no, I mean sort of, I’ll explain when I get there.”
I drove to her house as fast as possible. When I got there I noticed she was standing at the window waiting for me.
im not done with this chapter yet

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