• I woke up laying on my side. It was quiet and he was nowhere. Gone, hes gone. Thats what I thought until I heard a loud snore behind me. I sat up and turned around, it was him. His arms were spread out as he slept on his back, snoring. Hes here, he didnt leave. I put my hands on my head. Why am I so revealed? Hes a human, a stupid human, and hes my enemy. I remembered when he hugged me tight as I cried. I looked up at him and saw cuts on his faces. I frowned as I touched it. then his voice echoed through my head, its okay, its okay. My heart thumped. Whats wrong with this human? Why would he say that..why would he do that?! Every human, every single human has always hated me, always wanted me to die a slow, horrible death. They're all the same, all of them.
    "nn..." he sneezed then opened his eye. He scanned the room with his eyes, as if he was in shock.Once he saw me, he was in more shock.
    I inched back a little as he stared at me, confused. Then something weird happened. He started rolling around laughing hysterically, then he was pounding the ground with his right fist and started rolling again. When he stopped he looked at me and smiled.
    "I almost forgot I was here! Thought I was kidnapped, I sure did. oh man oh man...wow!" There was a long pause as he scanned me. "dontcha ever talk?"
    Talk? I shook my head no.
    "whoaaa really?" he rubbed his chin "but then..that um..hmmmm.." he slapped his forehead "oh yah, right! stupid me" he held out his hand to me "my names Roger! whats yours?"
    I looked at his hand then at him, but didnt say anything.
    "huh..you dont have a name?"
    A name?
    He laughed "you look confused! haha okay, a name is when..no, what people call you..um..its your own special name just for you so..um..everyone knows who you are..ah.." he scratched his head, silently moving his lips. "um..uh.."
    Something funny tickled my stomach, but I ignored it and shook my head no to him.
    "I guess im the one thats confused!" he sighed then smiled weirdly at me "lets give you a name! what do you think about that huh?"
    I tilted my head to the left. A name?
    "I take that as a yes! okay lets get ready...hmm...Riola!"
    "Wait wait no..thats a bad name. Something else..like Ronna!"
    "ugh no! Not that, something a bit more different..Runta!"
    I stared at him, hes only picking names with an R at the beginning.
    "oh man I got one! This is perfect for you!" he cleared his throat "Anysa!" he started clapping and laughing.
    I didnt say anything, I didnt know what to say. A name? A name..something that people call you so everyone knows who you are..its your own special name. I looked down. I dont need a name, im going to die here anyway. Nobody wants me so nobodys going to call me that. I clenched my hands. They all call me monster, demon, murderer, maybe thats my name, maybe thats who I am. I slightly opened my mouth to speak "why..why.." I looked at him "why did you..come here? What..do you want..? How come your..not.scared?!" I bit the bottom of my lip.
    He stared at me in shock since this is the first time he heard me speak. "I..uh.." he crossed his arms and had a serious look on his face "okay, i'll tell you"

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