angel in jaya.... chapter 1
I was running through the forest at amazing speed, getting faster in each step... I was running from a great enemy called James, hes an eagle. As I was running i tried to start a sheild around me so I wouldnt get hurt but i was new at wat i do..... InsteadI dug a whole in the ground and i fell through it.... it saved my life... until i found out I was not alone..... There was a girl standing there, she ad blue eyes and blue hair. "im Shelly" she said her voice as soft as bells, i had to say something but i couldn't. I just noded as in telling her i new she had spoken. again her voice as soft as bells "Im your sister, im 12 years old and on earth i am your best friend, my name is Kelly." I was in shock, how could my best friend know were i am? was i dreaming? i relized i had to be. and then i herd, "Lizzy, get up. its time for school."
i woke up, startled, not knowing were i was for a moment. but then i realinzed i was in my room, with my dog on top of me. i was having the same dream ive had in the last 8 nights. as i got ready for school i started having flash backs or dreams or something. i couldnt quite get it thoa..... i kept seeing weird faces and animals and didnt know were it was. in the middle of a field? a forest? the oacean? then i realized im having flashbacks of something i dont even remeber. as i got into my car and got driven to school i was thinking of were these flashbacks were from. but then i had to go to school.
after the bell rang i got in my car and went home. i went to the closet, as usual, to hang my jaket up, but for some reason my closet was gone. there was a huge feild in place of my closet. i walked through and then i saw tons of wild life and senery...it was the most beautiful thing i have ever seen. then i saw a huge rock and in my flashbacks there was a girl playing on a rock so i went and played on the rock.then as i jumped on the rock it lifted up and i fell of the rock. in astonishment i just stared at the amazing creature with blue hair and blue eyez. im amazement i gasped andshe turned. i thought i startled her but i didn't. she said to a nother creature, i told u she was here. the creature was ahorse with golden and white hair. i just staired at the creatur. i had to say something so i said to the girl with blue hair, "your name is shelly, am i right?"
she laughed and said, "i guess it worked, she was daydreaming after all." but then i herd a noise, it sounded like a hawk. the horse yelled, "RUN! shelly get her out of her as soon as possilbe."
Shelly replied, "were do i take her?" in a voice that didn't sound like her at all. the horse replied, " take her to the house, yours not mine. GO NOW!"
so i was taken to that very same whole and Shelly asked if i knew anything from the dreams ive been havin. I told her...
"I know my name is angela but people call me angel here. how my name is lizzy and your my best friend. how your name is kelly and her your my sister. i know that were the princesses and im the older one. i know that im more powerful than anyone besides you and that our parents died. i dont know anything else.
Shelly said," thats all i needed to know......"
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