Chapter 10 - Trouble in Area C

    *The evening sky was shining les and less and the sky was almost ready to turn into a feint blue with evening clouds, somewhere around the cliffs and where a bunch of people and kids were playing, they seemed to enjoy themselves.*

    Man= Hey, kids, don't go off too far ok? This is the outlands afterall.

    Boy 1= Sorry dad.

    Girl= Sorry, were just having lots of fun.

    Boy 2= Yeah, it's great to get out of the city for once.

    Woman= We will be having lunch soon deries, so don't go too overboard.

    Man= Well, it's a bit boring, ill just turn on the radio to find some pleasent music.

    *The man turned on the radio and sudenly....*

    Man newsreporter (radio)= We interupt this program to bring you this news bulletin. Today, there was a mysterious breakout of mavericks in Area C today, followed by a disturbing event of the power plant. People who are camping in the outlands are strongly advised to stay away from Area C at this time. The wanted man known as Megaman Plum has also been sighted in Area C. Slither inc. task forces remain near defenseless against these aliens in connection with the abductions of civilians and now are teamed up with strange robotic beeings calling themselves Cybermen. I repeat, No one is to go near the outskirts of Area C due to unknown alien forces. Stay in your campgrounds at all times.

    Man= This is terrible.

    Boy 1= Dad! Look over there!

    *The children watched from the cliff at the horizon where the city of Area C can be spotted, they watched explosions, fire, and sounds of guns and bombs going off.*

    *Meanwhile in Area C.....*

    (Music playing- Home Sweet Grave/ Guilty Gear Isuka)Download

    *Phil, Kaolla, John, Kos-Mos, & Aile were fighting Space Pirates and Cybermen around the city, defending as many civilians as possible. Space pirates seemed to be more than a match for the cities patrol units, not even the patroling Remeutars were no match. Cybermen were shooting the police and guards that tried to stop them. Using the blasters on there wrists they easaly dispatched the reploid and human patrol units.*

    Cyberman 1= There is on use resisting! Surrender or be deleted!

    Cyberman 2= Drop your weapons and you will be spared.

    Reploid guard= Who are you mavericks!?

    Human guard= Our blasters have only little effect on them! We need reinforcements, please help us!

    *The human and reploid guards were both shot by the cybermen, and there were more guards being killed by Space Pirates and civilians being taken, but Phil showed up and took his sword and slashed the nearest space pirates and cybermen dropping them dead at there spots.*

    Phil= John! I got these guys! Go on and find Vent!

    John= I hear you! Im taking Aile with me!

    Kaolla= What about you Johnny boi!?

    John= Stay near Phil! Im going to save Vent!

    Aile= Follow me John! The hospital is this way!

    *John followed Aile to the hospital but Rush came allong as well.*

    John= Hey Rush. Arent you staying with them?

    *Rush nodded his head no*

    John= Well, ok then.

    *Rush morphed into a hover board and John and Aile hopped on skatted there way to the hospital while Phil was covering them.*

    Phil= Alright you Space Pirates! You mess with my pals and these people, you mess with ME! Alright Kos, let'em have it!

    *Phil drew his Cerebus twin guns and Kos-Mos drew her guns and began to fire at the Space Pirates and Cybermen, saving the nearest cityfolk. There were people who were freed and they ran into the buildings for shelter.*

    *Meanwhile.....With John and Aile, they reached the hospital where there were cybermen and space pirates breaking through security, and John already wearing Model S and Model Z while Aile was in Model ZX, broke through the Space Pirates and Cybermen.*

    John= Oh no you don't Cyber-bitches!

    *John made a big jump and performed a homing tempist at the cyberman and severing it's head and did a quick spin attack at incoming Space Pirates, thus dispatching them, a yellow cyber soul flew out from the cyberman's remains and flew into John.*

    Model S= This is a yellow cyber soul, you can equip these on either 3 slots. This is a cyberman soul, you can either use it for bullet, guardian, or enhancement. As a bullet type will let you use the Drain touch, as a guardian, you can summon a cyberman familiar, and as an enhancement, be immune to poison.

    John= Thanks. Ill try this out right now. *equips the soul into the bullet slot*

    Aile= Hurry up John! Let's go.

    *Rush followed them both and a canon apeared on Rush's back firing at any space pirate or cyberman in sight.*

    *John was going up the steps inside the hospital due to the crysis that the elevators were offline and Aile ran up th stairs slicing away any Galleon hunter in there path. Then the windows of the stairway were being shattered and there were Galleon wings (The same kind who knocked John in the pit at the cliff) were opening fire at John. A few shots hit John as he was shielding Aile, Rush fired at the galleon wing and damaged it, then it was comming at Rush but John did a dash and sliced the Galleon wing in half, then another cyber soul flew into John.*

    Model S= This is a guardian cyber soul. You can now perform mobile hovering but be sure to equip it first ok?

    John= Thanks.

    *Then more Galleon wings were flying near them but sudenly there were missles that came out of nowhere and they hit and shot down the galleon wings. They were Space Pirates on jetpacks or known as Flying Pirates. They flew near the glass and were firing missles. John and Aile dashed away from the missles. Rush fired a few shots at the nearest one.*

    (Music changes to- Samus vs. Space Pirates/ Metroid Prime)Download{starts at 0:26}

    John= Let's go higher, These guys arent computers like those galleons are.

    Aile= Right!

    Rush= *barks*

    *John, Aile, and Rush quickly darted up the stairs as the flying pirates flew inside the starcasings. John and Aile turned around quickly and fired away at the flying pirate and dispatched one of them. But a few more flew through the glass and were dropping missles around them. John fired a plasma shot at the flying pirate and it recieved critical and the flying pirate was making a suicidal dive at them. John, Aile, and Rush darted and strifed out of the way, and as it crashed and exploded, another cyber soul flew into John, this time another guardian type.*

    Model S= This is from the flying pirate. Equip this and you can decrease midair gravity as you jump and fall.

    John= Sweet, this may be useful later. Thanks baby, C'mon Aile. Let's find your brother.

    Aile= Here we go! This way!!

    *John, Aile, and rush darted in the door, but the flying pirates couldnt go through the door cause there jetpacks were to large to fit the door.*

    John= Let's go before more space pirates show up.

    *John looked on his left and saw a space pirate flagship park sideways at the window and he saw a hatch open up and there were Sentry drones flying inside the hospital comanded by the space pirates.*

    (Music changes to- Sub Boss Battle/ Metroid Prime)Download

    Aile= What are those things!?

    John= Hurry! We need to save Vent!

    *John and Aile dashed away and Rush followed them allong the way, the Sentry drones were shooting through the glass and began to shoot at them.*

    Aile= There gaining on us!

    John= In this corner! Quick!

    *They head for the corner and then hide in a broom cubbert. The Sentry drones began to stop and scan around, then John performed a rolling slash on them out of nowhere and dispatched a whole group.*

    (Music changes to- Space Pirates research lab/ Metroid Prime)Download

    Aile= Wow! How did you do that?

    Model S= I can unlock hidden qualities in biometals. The real Zero was able to do this once. So I can unlock it, and I was with you, you could too.

    Aile= Your something Model S. *giggles*

    Rush= *barks hapily*

    John= Were not out of this yet, let's find Vent's room.

    *Later on, they found the door to Vent's room.*

    Nurse 1= Who's there!?

    Nurse 2= Is it another of those alien creatures?

    John= Hold it, were human!

    Nurse 1= It's that Megaman Plum!

    Aile= Take it easy! He's a good guy.

    Nurse 2= And who are you red maverick!?

    Aile= Stop calling me a maverick! Im human as well. Look!

    *Aile inequips her biometals and shows her true self.*

    Aile= These are called biometals. We can armor ourselves and defend against mavericks.

    Rush= *barks happily and wags tail*

    Nurse 1= And I suppose that dog has one too.

    John= No, this is a reploid dog. And don't you worry, he's friendly.

    Nurse 2= Well, what was all that racket down there?

    John= We just destroyed those alien drones and were fighting our way up here to save a friend of ours. A boy named Vent.

    Nurse 1= You mean this poor child?

    Vent= Who's there? John! Aile! Rush! You came for me didnt you? Thank you so much, I think I can move.

    Nurse 2= What are you doing child? Your not approved by the doctor yet.

    Nurse 1= You can't just take a patient without the doctors approval.

    John= Yeah? Well wheres this doctor now? I suppose he's hiding somewhere too?

    Aile= Seriously, we need to get everyone out of here, those space pirate aliens know we are here. Vent can't stay anymore. This is an emergency!

    Model S= I suppose you havent evacuated either, now John can use magic and heal Vent completely. Can't you John?

    John= Vent hasn't healed completely yet, so it's worth a try.

    *John focused his magic energy and casted (Cure 3) on Vent.*

    *Meanwhile...... back outside with Phil and Kaolla,....*

    (Music goes back playing- Home Sweet Grave/ Guilty Gear Isuka)

    Phil= We need reinforcements! Prairie, send your guardian troops to my ship, I got some ammo and vehicles your guys can use. Send down Cedre down too! We can use her help!

    Prairie (radio)= *sighs* As you wish.

    *Sudenly the Pillar of Autumn appeared and the hatch opened and Guardian troops riding the military assault vehicles from Phil's ship and they were riding the Mongoose dirt buggy's and Warthog assault cars as well.*
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    Cedre= WAhhhhhhhhahahahaha!! Look at all those space pirates and cybermen go down! YAHOOOOOOO!!!

    *Cedre holding 2 powerful laser machine guns and occasionaly pulling out a rocket launcher figting against lots of cybermen and space pirates*

    Guardian 1= Man, I dunno how this Phil got all of this armory, this is working great! Those Space Pirates are dropping like flies!

    Guardian 2= No time to praise, we got a city to save!

    Guardian 3= Never mind that, look at Cedre! We never seen her have this much fun for years.

    Guardian 1= Yeah, she's goin' buck wild on'em.

    Guardian 2= Let's keep it up! Phil! We owe you big time!

    Phil= Thanks mates!

    Kos-Mos= It appears we are winning Captrain Phil.

    Phil= Music to my ears, ... woah!

    *Sudenly a bunch of commando space pirates appeared equipped with blaster and rocket launcher upgradea accompanied my more cybermen.*
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    Space Pirate comando 1= We are continuing the assault as ordered. If we sustain any more losses, we may have to concider retreating.

    Space Pirate commando 2= The captain agrees, but were taking many casualties. Even the assault at the human's medical base sustained heavy casualties, even those Slither scum!

    Space Pirate commando 1= Let's fall out!

    Phil= Your more like falling completely!

    *The commando pirates began to fire at Phil but he dodged swiftly and he pulls out a strange looking biometal which was blue and red.*

    Phil= Are you ready Model OP? Let's finish off these pirates.

    Model OP= I think that is a good option. Let's roll out!

    *Phil megamerges with Model OP and then took his large gun weapon and blasted those space pirates until they were flying over the air and crashes on a pile of rubble.*

    *Somewhere from atop of a building.....*

    Prometheus= Who is this guy!?

    Pandora= Whoever he is, he's strong and has a large amount of armory.

    Promethus= He's a megaman too!?

    Pandora= As it seems. I don't see John anywhere? Where could he be?

    *Pandora's comlink activates*

    Serpent (radio)= Prometheus, Pandora, what is going on in the city? I need a report.

    Prometheus= So far there's a war going on between the rebelious guardians and the aliens and walking tin cans.

    Pandora= I believe they call these aliens "Space Pirates" and those retro robots "Cybermen".

    Serpent (radio)= So it seems. Well, I also want you to keep an eye on this guy in the blue coat, somethings funny about him. Megaman Plum may not be the only major threat to us. If he goes out of line, then intercept. I also need to find out what went wrong in the power plant. Ill also send out the other persudroids to there assighnments. Hopefully we can capture some of these citicens and try to form an allience with these space pirates and apologise about our past differences.

    Pandora= That... sounds promicing.

    Prometheus= Pro and Pan over and out.

    *transmision ends*

    Pandora= I hope those other persudroids don't screw up like Hivolt did. Let's keep an eye out for this guy.

    *meanwhile.....back in the city with John, Vent, Aile, and Rush.....*

    John= Whew, what a rush, now let's get back to Phil.

    Vent= How is Phil?

    Aile= We need to find out don't we?

    John= Im not too worried, Phil's got loads of tricks and tactics, he can take care of himself. Im more worried about Kaolla.

    Aile= Well, let's not waste anymore time.

    John= Vent, can you use biometals right now?

    Vent= Well, yeah?

    John= Good. I believe you better take a turn equiping Model S for awhile, just to be safe.

    Vent= EWWWWW! You got to be kidding me!? That girly thing?

    *Aile slaps Vent upside his head*

    Aile= VENT! That was rude. John's biometal protected him and saved his life and even offored me to use it. John's worried about you. I suggest you take it.

    Vent= Alright, alright.

    Model S= You better Vent! You don't want to hurt my feelings. You better equip me, or you'll miss out on some unique abilities John uses. Trust me, you'll love it!

    Vent= OK! Ill do it.

    *Vent megamerges with Model S*

    John= Now, you can also use another biometal over this one too. I suggest you use this one. Model H.

    Model H= You suggest I double megamerge with this pink thing?

    John= Listen buddy, trust me, Model S is unique, your gonna love it. Here Vent.

    *Vent merges with Model H and became HS*

    Model S= Now I can also possess you for a moment to help demonstrate what powers I can unlock with duel merging with other biometals. But remember, I can only do this with basic biometals. Coustom biometals and others like me are a no go. With me so far?

    Model H= Dose she do this all the time?

    John= Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Now Rush, turn into a motorcycle or somethin? We need to get back to the main city block. Phil and Kaolla need us.

    *Rush transforms into a Rush-scooter and they all hoped on board. Aile was stil in ZX and John was now biometaless.*

    John= Oh crap. No more Biometals. I let Kaolla use Model Pr.

    *Sudenly a teleport apeared and it was Fleueve, and he stopped them before they took off.*

    Fleueve= Wait John!

    John= Fleueve! What are you doing here!? It's dangerous now.

    Fleueve= I know sonny! Now shut it and listen. I was busy rebuilding one your burnt out biometals. That model D is all screwed up so I wasn't able to fix it. At least for now. So I used my reserve parts to fix this Model A. Better equip it now.

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    John= Wow! Thanks! You better get back to the ship ok?

    Fleueve= Ok, John. Try out that biometal ok?

    (Music changes to- A naughty boy/ Megaman X 7 )Download
    *John holds up Model A and he felt the biometal wrap him in armor and 2 big specal guns appeared on each hand, John was now equipped with Model A.*

    John= He did it, he fixed it. Now to put this bad boy into some use.

    *Rush in scooter mode carried John, Vent and Aile back to the city circle as John shot at space pirates and cybermen. It appeared they were now retreating and teleporting back to there own home bases.*

    (Music dies down slowly)

    Phil= That's it mates! We won!

    Kaolla= We did it! Johnny!! What is that!? Did you get Model A fixed?

    John= Fleueve fixed it.

    Guardian= Sir John! Miss Prairie wants to talk to us all. We better head back to base.

    *So everyone packed up and headed back to the guardian airship. John, Phil, Kaolla, Vent, and Aile were all at the bridge with Prairie.*

    (Music playing- Sky High - Grand Nuage / Megaman Z X )Download

    Prairie= Well done John. Well done Phillip. Well done everyone. Looks like the city will be safe for now. Those space pirates and cybermen invading the city had no idea we were capable of defeating them so easaly thanks to Phillip McDonald of his supply of armory.

    Phil= Oh don't menson it. My ship carries lots of it.

    John= And let's not forget Fleueve for helping me rebuild these biometals.

    Kaolla= You sure did a good job saving Vent.

    Vent= Oh Aile helped out too. John, I don't know how to thank you.

    John= Don't worry. It's all on me.

    Prairie= I also want to let everyone know that the persudroid who attacked the power plant, the strange reploids that atacked you that destroyed Hivolt, identity readings did not match Slither inc, or the beeings used by the space pirates. John, you said you faced this Dr. Wily before?

    John= Yes. Dozens of times. Dr. Weil thought he destroyed them and I thought he was done for too, but you know Wily. He's got lots of tricks up his sleve, always tailing after Megaman.

    Prairie= Megaman? Oh you mean X? Wait.... I remember now. That's who you always called X. She.... always told me how much you took up after him. Oh, I also brought someone from the city below. She sais she wants to help us out. Maggie, you may step in.

    *Maggie enters the door*

    Maggie= Im here miss Prairie. Oh, John, Phil.

    Phil= Hi Mag.

    John= Maggie. Good to see you, I was worried.

    Maggie= Oh you guys. *chuckles* I plan on getting into Slither inc, as a spy. I thought I let you guys know in advance.

    Prairie= She's been wanting to do this for us but...

    John= I know your look honey, that work is seriously dangerous. There's always a good chance getting caught.

    Phil= Wait a minnute. I have to agree with John there. Spying is some sereous buisiness.

    Vent= You mean like a double agent?

    Prairie= Oh and someone else wanted to see you, she's the head of some space resistance team. Her name is Kay.

    *Kay and her company walks in the rom*

    Kay= Thank you all for inviting me. I like to introduce myself to the guardians. Im Kay. The captain and leader of the resistance fighters, this is my friend. Gear, or known as Phoenix Gear. This persudroid is Light, and this one is Demo. There with me on missions sometimes. Be sure to say hello everyone.

    Phil= Oh, Kay, I recieved your call about the possible Dalek attack.

    John= I havent thought about that. How far are they?

    Kay= Oh there far away for now. They been looking for there missing scouts for quite some time.

    John= Scouts!? But.... I thought there was one?

    (Music dies down)

    Kay= Oh there's always more than 1. When you were in Abagale, that Dalek you faced was only one of them, and according to my team's calculations, it DID send out the message but it was only 23% sufficient. The Dalek was already going into a confused state ever since you touched the armor, feeding it your D.N.A.

    (Music playing- Story/ Metroid Fusion)Download

    John= Ohh.

    Phil= It's alright. You did what you could.

    Kay= Oh, and I also detected more of Slither's persudroids other than Hivolt. There 3 more. One at an amusement park that's been raided from a few years back. One in a cold climate, and one heading for another setelment. There not on the move yet, but I assume Serpent has used the time of the space pirates invading the city to get a head start of us.

    John= Oh man.

    Vent= Amusement park?

    Aile= Uhh?

    John= Vent, Aile,.....are you 2 ok?

    *Vent and Aile's faces looked silent and sad.*

    Kay= I asked Prairie permision to help direct an appropriate team to 3 of each area. Vent and Aile will be taking the Amusement park to stop the persudroid, Purprill, Phil and his assistant Kos-Mos will take the resident area targeted for attack. A Persudroid named Fistleo is leading mavericks to a human setelment. and John and Kaolla will take the polar region. Invaded by a persudroid named Lureere. Does this sound fair Miss Prairie?

    Prairie= Affermitive. We start as soon as we get some rest. It's been a long day for us. We will strike at night and hit them hard.

    John= Night? Then that means....Model FA...

    Prairie= John, you can lend your biometal Model S to Vent and Aile, im sure she can help protect them. Model FA seems to be strong and powerful.

    John= Yeah, but could I just carry one more just incase?

    Prairie= Well, I suppose.

    John= If im going to that polar region,.... uhhh, is there water by any chance?

    Kay= Yes, it is John.

    John= Then could I get my old Model L repaired?

    Prairie= You better take Model A with you then, we can't be overworking Fleueve you know.

    John= Oops, sorry.

    Guardian girl= Excuse me Miss Prairie, we got an emergency call from 3 sectors, it appears that the persudroids are making there move now.

    (Music changes to- Important news/ Metroid Fusion)Download

    Prairie= WHAT!?

    Phil= Making there move?

    Vent= NO!

    Aile= This can't be good.

    Guardian girl= The residental area is now being attacked and is on a blaze as we speak. The carnival is being hacked with more mavericks and the polar area's computer stations are already being hacked. We need to move!

    Prairie= Alright everyone, we need to move out. Phillip, take the residental area. Vent and AIle, you go to the carnival and stop the madness. John and Kaolla, you will deal with the polar mavericks.

    John= Ok.

    Phil= Were moving out now.

    Vent= Count on us!

    Aile= Were all in this together.

    *What's in store for our heroes since there now splitting up to deal with 3 different emergencies? When Slither inc. made there move, what will the space pirates do? And what sceme will the dirty duo Dr. Wily and Dalton plan for there next attack? Find out next time on Megaman Heroes 2.*