Pre H2K7. Just before he gets shot really. (Ian's blond)
ps, i do not own gaian NPC characters. .
It was a dark and rainy morning. The weather was so unpeasent that no one had come in to the Boutique all day, so Ian had closed early. He decided that it was time to clean out his attic instead. While he was going one box, he heard Rufus struggle with something on the other side of the room. He walked over to see what all the comotion and saw what Rufus was "fighting" with.
"Whoa, hey Rufus! Not that!." He quickly scooped up the stuffed animal, before Rufus could get in another pounce.
"What is it Ian?" the cat asked, noting Ian's sad look. Ian sat down on a nearby trunk.
"Man, I havent seen this thing in years." It was a Garlic Plushie. Louie's garlic plushie. Looking at the toy reminded him of that night. Usully he didnt remember until he got treatment, but this toy... it brought back the memory of his brother calling his name.
"Ian?" Rufus put a paw on Ians leg, bringing him out of his thoughts.
"Hmm? Oh sorry. I ws just remembering. This used to belong to Louie. It was his prized possesion. He would take it everywhere." He smiled sadly as he hugged the toy close, as if he were hugging his younger brother whom he hasnt seen since that night.
He then cleared his throat and rubbed at his eye. "I guess the smell is getting to me. After all these years its as potent as ever." He stood up. "Come on Rufus, lets get some lunch." He said, placing the garlic shaped pillow on the trunk. He headed for the door.
Rufus stared after for a moment, with his head cocked. He started to follow, but stopped to look back at the Garlic Plushie, thinking of the look on Ians face. He shook his head sadly and followed Ian down stairs.
thats it for this one.... its prolly not as good, but R&R please. there will be a sequel soon.

Comments (4 Comments)
- Yukio-Blossom - 07/13/2009
- The garlic plushie.... hm... its, different yet simple and straight to the point... 5/5
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- Dr-Pepper-Vampire - 05/18/2009
Aaaaaaawwwwww! thats so cute! ^^ but i thought louie kept his plushie, b/c it makes its aperiance when you see louie crashing on edmonds couch (and louie not only is laying on his garlic plush but also has spider webs on himself XD)
but i love the story its so cute! - Report As Spam
- Sapphire Water Angel - 05/17/2009
- vampires have plushies?
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- Kumori Kitsune787 - 05/01/2009
- lol i love it r u a Ian fan or a Louie fan
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