• Devon-Cassie i have to leave as soon as you deliever the baby i have to go.....
    Cassie-NOO!~she grabs him and holds him tightly to her fearing that if she lets go he will leave~
    Devon-Cassie I have to....~he holds her gently and kisses the top of her head~
    Cassie-Devon......~She starts to cry soaking his shirt in her tears~
    Devon-Cassie i really love you but i have to go......
    Cassie-P-please dont leave me~she clutches him to her~
    Devon-Cassie the doctor is here......
    Doctor-Alright cassie i'll need you to push.......(since she was in a night gown)
    Cassie-~she pushes as hard as she can while screaming and squeezing devons hand~
    Devon-Its alright cassie....~he kisses her forhead~
    Doctor-Ok i have the head push one more time please....
    Cassie-~she wails and pushes another time~
    Baby-~starts crying after the doctor spanks it~
    Doctor~Hands the baby to cassie~Congratulations its a boy.
    Cassie-Oh devon isn't he beautiful~she smiles~
    Devon-Yes he is~he smiles and kisses cassie and then the baby~
    Cassie-Lets name him devon?
    Devon-Perfect name.
    Cassie-Devon please don't leave....
    Devon-Cassie you need sleep...
    Cassies-Promise you wont leave?
    Devon-Yes i promise...
    Cassie-~she goes to sleep scared and happy~
    Devon-Goodbye cassie....~he lays the baby in his crib and leaves~
    Cassie-~she wakes up and turns to see if devon is there and she screams and starts crying~DEVON! WHERE ARE YOU?!?
    To Be continued.......