Lost Of Leberai
Part ll: Price of Remembrance
Soon the golden rope glimmers down and she perches upon it once more.
With a tug she is sent flying up. "Not cruel or kind; am I losing my mind? In this place of grey and black will I know where I'm at? No warming smiles, only emotionless cold. No cheerful laughter, but a shady memory. This is who I will become, this is me."
Dim light floods Rakashael's eyes. She looks up to see Guilderek and Amoranth in waiting.
"How did it go Rakashael?" Quietly she climbs out of the well and walks on, ignoring Guilderek's many, pushy questions.
Soon she eventually turns to Guilderek, she hisses, "The task went as it should. What task awaits you?" Irritated she walks away.
Silently she strolls the very edge of the cliffs. Below she can see the delicate barrier between Hell, Earth, and Heaven so high above.
"Clouds are all that separate us... so close... Tanya, Joebob, Jacoba, Krista, Chelsea... all we had done... down there. For them I sacrificed my soul. My suffering is worth every ounce of their happiness." Deeply pondering Rakashael sits at the sharpest edge of Leberai.
Longing, she gazes up at the grey clouds concealing the Heavens. Putting her hand to her face, Rakashael tries so hard to hold the memory of her friends.
"So warm, so soft..." Slowly she is pulled from her thoughts.
A familiar energy hovers behind her. Rakashael turns to see someone... she didn't expect. The figure of a person she once longed for. His scruffy yet clean orange hair, those piercing greyish-blue eyes, that great build.
In disbelief, Rakashael shakes her head, "What kind of joke is this?" Angrily she spits at this illusion.
The impostor silently moves closer to Rakashael.
"I am no figment of your imagination... Rakashael."
Not an eye could blink before Rakashael drew her sword and put it to his throat, "The words you speak are poison." Trembling in her voice, she swallows hard.
This impersonator easily deflects her unsteady blade. Gradually he reaches to embrace her. Ridged she jerks away and swings at him. Her punch lands on his face and he clamors back. Rakashael takes this opportunity and takes his feet out from under him. Swiftly she steadies her sword and pins him to the ground.
"I have lasted 10,000 years without your.... kind touch. 10,000 more is no harsh task." Shakily she speaks.
Suddenly he disappears and reappears behind her. His form slowly changes into the mere shadow of a man; Amoranth.
"Cast from your mind petty thoughts such as those. They'll do you no good here." Very coldly he speaks.
Thoughtlessly Rakashael puts her head down. Amoranth walks away sternly. Deeper and deeper Rakashael digs in her mind. Scrambling to find that little memory. Despair ravages her; that last kind embrace... now gone. Lifelessly her limbs fall to her sides. Shaking herself back into reality, Rakashael begins walking into the center of Leberai. You see, Selegania, the inhabitants of Leberai are not allowed to have emotion, attachment, or anything of that sort. It would keep them from doing their job properly. The only colors lay on ones body, and even that over time fades to grey and black; just like everything else. The trees are stricken of leaves, the small structures are of old, black wood. No mountains or forests, no flowers or fun; the breeze is gentle but cold. Everything is quiet like death. In Leberai one rarely hungers or tires. The food and water fills and quenches but holds as little taste as the air one breathes. There is very little texture to anything except the coarse grass, loose dirt, one's sword, and splintering wood. Nothing here aids your memory of your past lives. The land is flat with the exception of a few low lying hills. No flowing water can be found; everything is peaceful and still. Yet... the air is so dense... loneliness consumes it. When Rakashael enters the mess tent; no scent wafts in the air. No one speaks. The server called Rekuro hands Rakashael her edofe in a bowl. Edofe is the only food source in Leberai. It is a simple pile of something resembling gruel. It has no taste, no smell, and no texture; yet you do not hunger after. The water is just the same way. Sugar is non-existant here in Leberai. Niether is there saltiness, nor any other spice. After her meal, Rakashael makes her way to her Fora among the hills. In Leberai a Fora is a small slanted-roof structure made from branches and leaves. There is no fire in Leberai; so when it is time to rest you will be very cold. Always the light is dim, but at night it always seems much darker.
"Though not freezing, I am always cold." Rakashael shivers into her straw bed.
Curling into a ball she begins to try to remember her old life. "So long it has been. I scarcely remember laughter, smiling... the wind once was a spirit who comforted me. Oh, the sun, how it warmed me." Covering her head with her hands, Rakashael shuts her eyes to hold the tears that well them.
After a while Rakashael falls asleep. Here in this lonesome place, no one dreams; only barely remembers. They remember what is it like to be in a bright world of colors, sounds, smells, touches... and life.

- Title: Lost of Leberai: Part ll
- Artist: Rakashael
Part Two
In this episode we get into the setting of the story. The picture is provided courtesy of my friend Missi. She does photography. This is how I picture Leberai. I was trying to place this picture in my siggy, but I am not yet that technologically inclined. ^^:
I REALLY want to know what people think about my story. So if your going to vote please comment!!!!!!!!!!!! - Date: 01/12/2009
- Tags: lost leberai part
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Comments (1 Comments)
- YuzoraRyuu - 01/16/2009
- This one is... really good. I can really picture how dull and horrible a place it must be. No wonder Rakashael is depressed. Write more!!!!
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