Chapter One: Back In Time
I woke up on a beach shore where I saw Damion next to me, asleep. I shook him awake. “Damion! Where are we?” He sat up and looked around. “I don’t know. Maybe some other town?”
“No it doesn’t look like it. Hey look!” I pointed at a sign that read:
A town that is calm and peaceful.
1 Day
“What does it mean “festival?” Damion asked.
“I can answer that.” We turned around and stood up and saw a man.
“Well what does it mean “festival?”
“Festival means the festival that we have every year, the Ballasterian festival of the feast. Anyway, my name is Gene, yours?”
“I’m Zaek.”
“And I’m Damion.” We shook hands and then he asked: “Do any of you want to be in the hunt so we can get the food?”
“Sure I’ll join.” I said.
“Me too.”
“Good, meet me at the big giant site near the woods, where then we will hunt in a team.”
“Okay.” Damion said.
He walked away and then yelled: “You can get a night at an inn if you follow me!”
“Hey lets go, free room!” I said.
We caught up to him and followed him to midtown in the business district.
“All right, the inn is right over there.” He pointed to the inn.
“Cool.” Damion said.
“Follow me.” Gene said.
We walked into the inn and Gene walked up to the owner.
“2 rooms, sir.”
“Here’s the keys to your rooms and they’re right to your first left and first right, upstairs.” He handed Gene the keys and Gene handed me the keys and I handed 1 key to Damion.
“Lets go Zaek!” Damion and I went upstairs and opened the doors to our rooms.
“Farewell!” I exclaimed.
I went into my room and then looked around. I estimated that the room was, well, small. “Killer.” I said sarcastically.
Damion came in and stared in amazement. “Wow! This is bigger than mine.”
“Yeah. Mine doesn’t have a desk.”
“Let me freshen up the room and come in later, now get out.” I commanded playfully.
“Fine.” He walked out and I put my stuff up and under the bed and then called him back in.
“Damion! Come in!” He came in and looked around gingerly.
“No trick?”
“No trick.” I swore.
“Good because… I have one!” He pulled out some Silly String and then sprayed me.
“How childish. Bye.” I pointed to the door.
“Fine, but you’re grounded!”
“Ha ha.” I shut the door behind him.
“Finally, peace and quiet. Oh well, my headache won’t get better.” Ever since I got here I kept getting headaches. They just won’t go away. I’ve been thinking about how the people acted around here. It just doesn’t seem right. There are no computers or televisions or other necessities in the average inn. For one there isn’t a decent bathroom around, and two there isn’t a nice outlet to plug in stuff. I lied down on my bed and tried to rest my headache. Once I layed down I thought of how much different this place was, compared to how Dirthway was. Then I looked out the window and then stood up, stiff as a board and opened the window. I stared in amazement at how magestic this Pegasus was just standing outside, standing there. I found that this is no ordinary place. I walked back, rubbed my eyes and fainted by the thought of going back in time.
The Next Morning…
I woke up on the ground, outside somewhere with people surrounding me. I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn’t. I also tried to sit up but I just couldn’t. I felt some straps around me and then needles poking and I then fell asleep again only to wake up at my room in the inn. I woke up, woozy and blood slowly oozing out of my shoulder. I stood up , unbalanced, and then fell back down on my desk. “Ow! That hurt.” I stood up, balanced this time and walked over to the bed and took my shirt off. I stared at the holes in my chest and stomach area and was amazed. I changed clothes and then walked over to Damion’s room. I knocked. No reply. I knocked again. Still no answer. I turned the knob and the door opened. I looked in and saw Damion and Gene planning something. They didn’t hear me. I stood over them and they still didn’t hear me. Then I yelled, “Damion, Gene, hello! Can you hear me?”
I pulled back their heads and saw empty skulls, rotting and dripping in blood. I was so shocked that I couldn’t even scream. I heard a growl from behind and saw a giant ogre with Gene’s and Damion’s faces on his club. I still couldn’t scream and just let him take me. He swung his club and knocked my head straight off. He then skinned my face off and stuck it to his club.
I woke up screaming. Wow! Some dream! Oh well I better go to Damion’s room.” I walked over to his room not noticing that Gene was in the hallway and barged in. I shook Damion and he woke up.
“Huh? Oh hey Zaek.” he yawned and then went into his closet and got dressed. “Are you ready to go to the hunt?” I asked.
“Yeah, lets go.”
“Gene is somewhere in the lobby probably, waiting for us.”
“True dat lets go.” We walked out of his room and then saw Gene in the hallway. We ran over and we walked all the way to the hunting area where we got ready to hunt for animals. We had to hurry and try to get the most points. Here was our point layout. The point layouts varied between groups.
Name Points Worth
Vampirian Zombie 20 pts.
Infected Creedish 20 pts.
Creesflier 30 pts.
Vexed Kat 50 pts.
All of those were really valuable and were really hard to beat, but on the upside they taste great. The heads of the hunt let each team choose what animals they hunt and how they cook them.
“Are you all ready!” The head hunt yelled.
“Yeah!” Everybody yelled back.”
“Alright! Everybody meet at the starting line!” We all went over to the starting line and the head hunter yelled, “On your mark, get set, GO!” Everybody raced off, weapons in front, heading toward the forbidden woods. We headed to the woods as well, but Gene had explained that he found the perfect place for hunting. He searched the woods before he found us and bribed all the monsters to be killed. It may have cost him 500 jikl, but it was a risk for winning 100,000 jikl and a Vexed Kat card, which is rarely found ever because there is only 5 in the world, and 1 has a prophecy on the back which will appear only if the two chosen ones touch it. I thought it was such a normal story of a type of fairy tale and it didn’t seem real. We ran to the spot and we killed the following: Four Vampirian Zombies, Two Infected Creedfish, Two Creesfliers and Three Vexed Kats. Overall we got 330 points total and we rushed back to the head hunter and we turned in the dead bodies. They count the points and announced over the screams of people, “1 team complete! 330 points! Hurry up!” then he whispered to us, “Go to the mess hall and sit down at the table.” We then walked over there and went through the doors. We were greeted by the welcoming comitee and we heard from a headmaster that we get to go on a personal quest ordered by the princess, Elaine. The princess was only 16 and was beautiful. Even more beautiful than the weather lady on channel 44. The quest was to go to Icklum, a neighboring town and get her sister, Elaina. She wanted her sister because she wanted to say goodbye before she leaves for Castravia to take on the throne with Prince Ephraim, the next heir to the throne. After several hours, the others arrived. They then all sat down as the cooks and waiters came, big platters in their hands.
Soul Saviors Ch. One
The first chapter in my book!
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