• Born into the evil confines of a lab, the stench of rotting corpses all around him. His eyes opened slowly, his hands twitched; this was the first time life had been animated in the form of a human. Cloned from the evil that was Necrid Uchiha.

    The ever winding darkness that was his cell or ‘Experimentation room’ was filled with the rotting corpses. His hands moved around as he felt for the first time, smelt for the first time, hell, the first time he had even seen. His eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, he stood on his legs which instantly gave way since he had never truly stood before.

    His hands twisted out of place to remove the straight jacket that he had been placed in. ‘They’ knew that being the clone of the infamous Necrid Uchiha, He would be slightly homicidal. His mouth opened as a high pitched screech of pure insanity erupted from his mouth. He dropped to the ground as the 10 inches of glass broke from the high pitched shriek. The glass came crashing down all around him, impaling several rotting bodies. He then stood up stepping on the shattered glass. Crunch, Crunch, Crunch underfoot, the glass crackling and grinding into the floor as he walked.

    The doors crashed open as armed samurai guards came running into the room; they surrounded Takuza and unsheathed their swords. This hostile action towards Takuza made him laugh with insanity once more, the homicidal thoughts came over him as from around his waist his chain ripped from his skin. This was his Zanpakotou, called ‘Unknown’.

    “Bellow, Unknown”

    This once simple chain sprung to life and wrapped itself around Takuza’s arm. His body reacted to the activation of his Shikai by covering his body in the same garments that Necrid himself once wore. The Samurai guard were caught off gaurd as the chain flung forward and wrapped itself around their Katana. The cheap steel was unable to keep its shape under the pressure of the Shikai.

    The Samurai had never seen such an act, in one move Takuza had disarmed their weapons from them. Only a select few could have possibly done it quicker than Takuza had. Takuza walked past the guards before turning around, his hand moving into the shape of a Triangle as he licked his lips.

    “Act of Rizurn: Crimson Mist”

    And with that, a thick red cloud seeped from the triangle and filled the room with this crimson mist, the samurai inhaling it, unaware as it began to crystallize inside of their body. This was a move that made its way through the bloodstream, crystals expanding to burst the veins inside the victim’s body.

    Takuza calmly walked out of the room with a chuckle as the samurai fell to the ground, holding each of their arms with the other. Their arms then exploding as the crystals became too big for the veins.


    Chapter 2

    Takuza paused and turned to look back into the room where he had been born. All over the walls were globs of flesh and spatters of blood. He giggled, walking back into the room, dropping to the floor and picking up a piece of the human meat, placing it to his lips and slid it into his mouth. Teeth grinding as he chewed on the meat, an ever so evil sound as he chomped and cherished the flesh as if it were a sacred thing.

    Why wouldn’t it be sacred to him? It was his first kill of his life. An evil grin settled over his face as he turned to walk out of the Lab, blood smeared across his grin, adding to his horrific and homicidal appearance. In time he would unleash devastation upon the world and its inhabitants.

    But was the world ready for this man? It most certainly was not. The evil cackle coming from his jaws and throat echoed out in the cold, chilly night. But Takuza didn’t seem to be cold. Infact, he seemed to be alive with the murderous rage that brewed up inside of him.

    And yet, there was one person on his mind which he wanted to fight the most. The memories he retained from his father pulsed a name. The one called ‘Valen’ with family. The one that Takuza wished to fight.

    Takuza moved quickly before the reaitsu in his feet focused, he flash stepped into the shadows of a courtyard of the home of Valen and his Family.
    The crimson master walked across the cobble with his chain wrapped around his arm like a pet snake. As he walked he hissed, teeth clicking and chattering. He dropped to the floor and then slowly began to laugh again, from his hand flew a ball of crimson energy, aimed at the centre of one of the huts in the courtyard. Upon contact with the Hut the energy spread out across the small shelter and blew it up from the inside out. Such destruction was a joy to see.

    A flicker caught his attention; he quickly turned then grinned to see Valen stood before him. He looked down to see a child beside the man

    “You brought your Child as well”

    This brought out an evil roar, which sent shockwaves through the area. His hands moved into the darkness of his garments as he licked his lips. His abnormally large tongue extending from his mouth and pushed up against his nostril. It entered and soon after exited through the other nostril. He then laughed yet again, falling back onto the ground in a fit of giggles, finding this entire thing utterly hilarious.


    Chapter 3, THE FIGHT

    The evil that was Takuza stared down Valen. His eyes raging as he moved his hands through the air. His actions ripping the air into an endless vacuum, sucking out the oxygen from the area. It then calmed, leaving him grinning at Valen, the man then staring back before vanishing to hide his son in a safe place, appearing again before his opponent.

    Valen was not impressed by Takuza’s show boating, he stepped forward with a sneer.

    “Don’t you know who I am? I am Valen Touzoku.”

    Takuza simply laughed aloud doubling over, the tongue hanging from his mouth once more, he spoke with laughter still rich in his voice

    “And I am Takuza Rizurn, Born son of Necrid Uchiha”

    After stating this, he formed a triangle like shape with his tongue, and from it seeped out a thick crimson mist once again.

    The mist stretched across the courtyard veiling all within it, shielding them both from anyones view. The veiled crimson would have given Takuza an advantage over Valen, yet it wouldn’t last for long. As soon as he thought that, Valen spoke up.

    “Thunder Roars, and Lightning calls, you'll be there to end it all, DANEKI IKAZUCHI!”

    Takuza knew he would be in trouble now as he moved his hand out, his chain darting itself forward as he whispered under his breath.

    “Bellow Unknown”

    The chain split forward into two parts, it circled around Valen’s sword, although, it was not fast enough.

    Valen had already started moving the electrons within him and around him, being able to create his own electricity, in a concentrated form, something he called ‘Nushi Hekireki.’ With this surge of power that he had created, he flung himself forward with the blade swinging down upon Takuza. Takuza’s hand moved up and the chain reinforced his hand. He parried away the strike from Valen, before vanishing from sight. He reappeared stood upon the underside of the dome, directly above Valen. The chains chinking together before violently flying down at him.

    Valen looked up, quickly moved his hand upwards facing Takuza,

    “Thunder Roar CANNON”

    And with that, a blast of red energy flew from his hand towards Takuza. And at incredible speeds, the chains were blasted back away from the area. The crimson mist dome shattered, but as the smoke cleared. Takuza was nowhere in sight. Unknown to Valen, Takuza was slipping off into the distance a grin again, settling on his lips, his words unheard by all but him.

    “What a man”


    Chapter 4

    Something was wrong. Takuza fell to the floor with beads of sweat rolling down his forehead; never had he faced one such as Valen.

    His eyes closed as he groaned, eyes then opening before he rolled onto his back, a high-pitched hissing coming from his body. His skin was writhing at points as if things were moving under his skin.

    Soon as the writhing stopped, his body attempted to pick itself from the ground. His body then stumbled forward as green ooze seeped through the pores on his back. The pressure building as his body started to change. The liquid wrapped itself around his body, until it would burst open at his back, the green ooze now pouring out of his body. He fell to his knees as black tendrils came slithering from his spine

    He groaned out as pain shook through his body, his eyesight becoming clouded as he moaned again. He’d grit teeth as from the front of his body a rune appeared directly over where his heart would be.

    Finally Takuza, pushed himself up off the ground as his eyes seemed to glisten in the light. They were a bright yellow which resonated through the darkness. The tendrils fell to the ground and dragged along behind as he walked.

    All through the village that he had enterd, people were staring at the tendrils. One guy tried to cut it off, but the tendrils broke his axe before he could swing it.

    Darkness, despair and woe. Thoughts and emotions overcame his body as he walked through the silent village. They watched him, cowering the fear so strong he could taste it. Yet one man approached him, the man turning out to be no more than a boy who couldn’t have been older than 13.

    “Ello there, the names Blazer. Blazer Hisukin”

    Takuza looked at the boy and then sneered at him. He then turned away and walked off into the direction of a local bar. He didn’t want to bother killing or fighting anyone right now.

    He would enter the saloon with tendrils in trail. Sitting at the bar then ordering himself a whiskey. As his body looked that of a 22 year old, the barman wouldn’t ask for ID. Takuza keeping the fact that he was really 15 to himself.

    The man at the bar delivered the whiskey on the rocks to him before shuffling away again. Takuza downed the whiskey into his system before ordering another one. He was receiving too much attention for his liking out here.

    He stood up, taking the next whiskey and made his way to the toilets. Locking the door he’d disrobed himself revealing a muscle toned body. As he turned his back to the mirror and looked over his shoulder he would see the tendrils writhing from his torn skin. He poured the alcohol over his body grinning as he’d feel the burning sting of the liquid on his open wounds.

    When he was done he simply redressed himself leaving the toilets and casually walking out of the bar, the barman too afraid to even call after the stanger about paying for his drink.

    More to come