• Part 1: A Secret Unleashed

    Lester was walking home from his high school, Seria's only high school. He was a senior, and couldn't wait to get out of that stupid school. He could have gotten into a much better high school, but his mother insisted on Seria High. Ugh... He was a 5 in a half foot brown-haired white-skinned genius, and here he was, at stupid Seria High. As he thought of all this, he kept walking. He turned quickly on his heel. What was that? Had the bush moved? Was someone, or something, watching him?
    "Who's there?" he asked slightly frightened. Nothing. Lester finally got up the nerve to look behind the bush. He charged in to the bush, head first, only to trip on a twig. In front of his face was a simple dice.
    "What is a dice doing out here?" he asked aloud to himself. He silently picked it up, and then got back up to his feet.
    "What is that you just found?" asked a deep voice behind him.
    Lester turned in a flash. The man had a black leather jacket on, with blue jeans. He had a pair of sunglasses on, which flashed on this bright day.
    "It's nothing," replied Lester slowly. Carefully.
    "If it's nothing, than give it here," said the man.
    "Maybe I will, maybe I won't," said Lester confidently. He felt very different on the inside.
    "Shut up and give it," ordered the man.
    "NO!!!" yelled Lester.
    The man lunged himself at Lester, hitting him in the gut.
    "OOOOF!" Lester gasped as he fell to the ground. The dice fell out of his hand.
    "No, I've gotta get out of here!" yelled the man, a little late. The simple dice let out a bright storm of color. The next moment the colors were gone. All that was left was Lester staring around, confused. And the bloody remains of the man's carcass.
    "Nice job, kid!" said another person, appearing out of nowhere.
    "Oh please tell me you're not going to mug me too," said Lester tiredly. "I'm not sure I can do that again," he said, pointing at the dead man.
    "I won't hurt you," assured the new man. Lester judged him to be about 21 years of age. He wore a black tank top and black shorts. "I just want to talk to you, as you seem to be a bit confused over what just happened."
    Lester made a thankful look before the man continued.
    "Let's start out easy. My name is Derik."
    "Lester," replied Lester.
    "Lester. I'll have to remember that. Anyways, what just happened has to be kept a secret. But others know what this is, so use your better judgment and figure out who's friend or foe."
    "So what DID happen?" asked Lester, exasperated.
    "OK. That dice you had was special. It has powers to kill many people, but only if you want it to. It kind of has a filter for good and bad. But, as everything else in this world, there are good and bad sides. We're the good, the Dice Hunters are the bad. You've just encountered one, and paid him due. We have been waring in secrecy, but other forces have been brought in to the brawl. Things no one understands. Which is why we need a brave warrior to seek out the Dice Hunter leader and defeat him once and for all. Theat's where you come in."
    "I am the brave warrior you seek? I'm a 17 year-old boy who knows nothing about powerful dice!!!" exclaimed Lester.
    "Just come with me. You'll understand more from the master."
    So off Lester went, not knowing he just changed his own destiny.

    There's part 1, watch for part 2. Lester will be back soon!!!