The First Chapter
You thought that you would only hear them in fairy tales and such, but to the unknown world, they do exist. Far away from existance, they play out their lives in harmony, away from all the chaos and destruction in this world. They are known as the Kattarian, cat-like folk who, 700 years ago, fled their once peaceful homes in Aneria, and sought out a new home on an island west of the Dragon Lands. But how did this happen? Let me explain it to you.....
700 years ago, war broke out between the Human Alliance and the Elven Sentinals. Countless battles were fought over meger power that wasnt meant to be gained. The Kattarians, who had no part of this war, were fearful that they would be entangled into the war, so they had packed up everything that they could carry, and they left their home of Aneria. With the help of the mercenary group of Wood Elves, they were able to find a new home, a small island due west of the Dragon Lands. When they settled, six Elder Sages casted upon them a barrier that would litteraly cast themselves out of existance.
17 years before the present time, a Kattarian maiden named Kanera gave birth to a son named Eefera, that is of course their Kattarian names. But the day of the celebration of Eefera's birth, the spirits of the Elder Sages appeared before them. They spoke of an ill omen that Eefera, or Miles which was his human name, was to destroy the barrier and cast darkness back into their lives. Fearing this omen, the Elders had decided that Miles must be cast off of the island, and with the help of the Sea Elves, he would be able to live a better life. Hazel, which was Kanera's human name, refused to let go of her only son, so the Elders had to force him out of her hands. She wept as she watched her only son be taken away by the Elders, and watched as they handed him off to the Sea Elves, and thats when Miles was cast of the island.
The present day...
Miles had grown not only a mature Kattarian, but an intelligent one as well. Miles had asked the sea elves a lot why he was so different from all the others around him. On his 16th birthday, they explained to him why he was where he was at today. Miles wasn't happy about this, so he told them that he would set off to find where he lived, and why he was cast off. The sea elves told him about six pieces of stone called Sero-Kami, which were Ancient Artifacts used in the Alliance-Sentinal War, would be the only way that he could get home. So when he turned 17, he set out to find the Sero-Kami, a dirk in his hand, and a small bit of knowlegde of his past burned in his memory.
The Second Chapter
It was a five day march from the shores of Unteriak, from which Miles grew up, to Cairn, a major city that was linked to the castle kingdom of Seria. Miles enjoyed seeing the sights that surrounded him. As he got closer to town, he knew that he would have to hide his true identity. He tucked his ears into his medium long hair, and stuffed his tail into his pants. He concealed the dirk so that no one knew he had a weapon on him. He strolled up to the town gates, and three guards stood there, blocking the entrance. They stopped him as he tried walking in, saying, "Whoa there son. What business do you have here in Cairn?"
Miles hesitated a little, but told them, "I'm new around here. I'm looking for a man named Cervantes." The guards looked at him strangely, not believing him at first, and then they let go of him. "Excuse us for that, but there's been a lot of trouble going on around here. We'll believe you, but do anything stupid, and you'll be outta here quicker like that." one of the guards explained to him. Miles nodded and began to walk in until another one the guards mentioned, "Oh, and getting an audience with Cervantes is very difficult. Good luck in trying."
Miles enjoyed the sites of the town, but didn't like the fact that people were staring at him. Was it something that they saw on him, or could they tell that he wasn't human. That didn't bother him, and decided that the best way to get information was to head to one of the best taverns that the had in town. He walked in, seeing only a few people actually sitting in the place, all of them human. Miles sat himself down at the bar, and waited. A few moments later, the bartender showed up, asking what he wanted. Miles then explained, "I need to find a way to get an audience with Cervantes, and I wanted to know how I would be able to do that." The bartender chuckled and said, "Boy, the only way you could really get a chance to talk with him is to present him with a gift worthy of value, which you might not have." Miles sighed and looked at the drink that was in front of him. Then without warning, he heard a scream coming from somewhere. "Did you hear that?" Miles asked the bartender. "You must be hearing things, cause I don't hear anything." But Miles had already left the bar, and followed the noise.
A group of guys, about the same age as Miles, were on what looked to be a woman, trying to beat her with chains and such. The girl's face was covered in blood, and tears were mixed in with it. The three men laughed at her, but then turned when they heard Miles's voice saying, "Hey! Leave her alone." They snickered at him, and said, "Well, well. A new face around here, eh? What boy like you has the nerve to mess with us?" The leader of the gang said. Miles had no idea what to say. "Cat got your tongue boy? This will be interesting...Get him boys!" the leader commanded as the other two rushed to attack Miles.
One that had the chains used it like a whip, and it struck Miles against his cheek, blood seeping out. When he tried to whip him a second time, Miles managed to grab the chain, and yank it out of his hands. Now Miles was at the advantage, but the other man had a knife, ready to strike. Miles swung the chains, but missed and the guy flung the knife at Miles, missing horribly. Miles didn't like to resort to violence much, so he referred to martial combat, and flattened out the two that were attacking him with a few high kicks and punches. The leader wasn't going to see through this, so he instructed his men to retreat for now. "We will be back." He said, as they ran for the alleys. Miles dropped the chain, and walked over to the girls side. "Are you ok?" Miles asked her. She slowly got up, and looked into his eyes. "Yes...yes I'm ok, but your hurt." She said, wiping the blood off of his face with her sleeves. Miles backed off a little, and said, "I'll be fine, but can you make it back on your own?" "What, you mean my place? I should be able to, but....will you come with me, for just in case." She had asked him. Miles thought about it for a sec, and said, "Yes, I will help you. I'm sorry, but I haven't introduced myself. My name is Miles." he said. She took his outstretched and and said, "My name is Kaori."
Kattarian Coventry
The first two chapters tell the tale of a catfolk boy known as a Kattarian named Eefera who is cast off the island of his home and grows up living a different life, then sets out to truly discover his purpose in life, until events twist into meeting a noblewoman named Kaori. The story will explain everything that I can't and if you like it subscribe to my Journal where the story should be updated hopefully every other week.
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