It seemed to get harder and harder to clean blood stains off of his blade and cloths. He slowly pulled the sword over the lip of the sheath before inserting it all the way in, signified with a click. He thought of his past home in Hell. His ascent was made only to be shunned by those who he had come to help. The sinners of th catholic church were given a choice to either repent or be killed. They had made the foolish mistake of choosing the latter. He finaly got a chance to look around at the church he had just purified. Sinners blood covered the wall and the floor. Pity. He had noticed the chappel boy hiding behid the alter of Jesus. He was the only one who chose to repent. He was sure that this child would never sin again in his life.
He walked through the chappel doors and left the church. He didn't know where he was going, he only knew he had to purify more before the darkness consumed the earth. He had to make sure that the humans were well prepared. He headed to the coast. Where there was water, there was humans.
He blended into New York City easily. Contrary to popular beleif demons arent red with tails. The only part the humans got right were the wings, but the wings weren't bat like. They were blackened angel wings. He looked very much like a human. His skin was extremely pale and his hair was a dark black. He smelled blood in the air. Vampires must be close by. He followed the subtle scent into a neerby club. The smell of blood was thick in the air. Humans were present but it wasn't long before they noticed their mistake. He always had an extreme foul disposition towards these creatures. The fact that they are paracitic and feast on something weaker than them. This is one of the reasons they were cast out of Hell. They were unfit for their status as demons. He walked up to the bar tender.
"I'll take a drink." He said as he glanced up at the man.
"What do you want?" Said the bartender as he leaned over the counter.
"Your blood." he said as he whipped out his blade.
All of the foul vampires hissed as they reverted to their ugly full vampire forms. In one swing of the light blade the bartender was dead and gone, but he had the problem of fighting the hundreds of others behind him. No problem. But there was. He felt the presence of another demon. A full demon like him. All of the vampires began to split down the middle and he could see a figure walking between them.
~To Be Continued
A Demons Curse
A tale of how even demons have hardships.
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