2010, Area fifty one. Section C, cross section A. 0100 hours.
“You have your orders, now go and retrieve!”
“Yes commander.” We all turned and walked towards the ship.
“520C55LE, come here!” I slowly turned and walked to the commander.
“Yes sir?” I said, worriedly.
“This is your first mission after the…disapproval. Your second chance. Don’t make a mistake, got it 520C55AL? We have high hopes for you.”
“What?” the commader stared me down, his sigar's ash falling on me.
“Nothing commander.”
Huston Texas, 3:30.
Bring!!!! We all raced out of are desk, out of the class and out the school doors. Kids were getting shoved, pushed and lifted to get out of the way. Summer break! Nothing is so glorious and all together terrifying as summer break. I’m more of a fall guy myself, but hey, no school. I raced to my bike and looked for Ellen. She was my best friend girl. Not girl friend, friend girl. A friend that’s a girl, got it? We were going to the arcade then the roller rink. Kevin came out first. He's my best friend. He was going to join me and Ellen at the roller rink, but he had to do something first.
I waved at him; he waved back and got on the bus. I waited and waited, but Ellen never came out. My pocket vibrated. I reached and pulled out my cell phone. It’s a text from Ellen. “Sry, coht up with Ms Jon, cant mak it to arcde or roll.” God, I hate text talk. Well, we all knew it was a matter of time before Ms. John got her. She’s are math teacher. Nice, but strict. Ellen has been failing math. Man, I was kind of looking forward to this. Aw well. I unlocked my bike and began to petal down the street.
I love this town. For some reason…it seems out of this world. I road my bike up the drive way and slide off. Some times I think it’s a waste of time to ride my bike to school. I mean, I could walk in less than a minute to school. I hit the garage’s button and wheeled my bike in. I looked at my truck. Should I go for a joy ride? Um…nah, gas is way too high. I hit the garage button and walked into the house. “Hey, I’m home early.”
“Hello honey. What happened with the others?”
“Nothing, things just happened for the worse. It’s all ok though. I’m going to my room. I think I found a collage to, I’m going to look into It.” my mom smiled and went back to what ever she was typing. I walked up the stairs and into a room. Now, I’m not much for Star wars or Startrek, but I love the idea of aliens. I draw, write, dream and talk about anything extraterrestrial. I’m a UFO freak. I threw my back pack onto the bed and got onto the computer. I check my email. Nothing. Ah well. I got my binoculars and sketch pad and opened the window. I climbed out and onto the roof. There was a rug nailed to the roof. It hasn’t rain for a while, so the rug should be dry. I climbed onto the rug and flipped onto my back. Well, this is what I do when I have nothing to do. I watch the skies for UFOs. I did see a couple over the years. I drew them in my perspective and draws back rounds. Not till a year ago I started to sell copies of them on internet. Believe it or not, it helped the down payment on my truck. Sometimes I’ll fall asleep up here. But today isn’t the day for sleeping. There has been such a spike in UFO sightings in my town it isn’t funny! I lay on the roof and waited, watching the skies. I thought I saw something, but it was just Pete. Pete’s a hawk that always comes to my widow. I feed him some Slim Jims and he just sticks around.
His feathers are so soft. Sometimes I think I might like birds more than UFOs. I wish I had Pete’s eyes. So sharp. Sometimes he’ll peck at some black ants, on a tar roof. It was starting to get dark. I had already told Kevin that the roller rink was off. It’s easier to see UFOs in the dark because they stand out. I heard my window open. Ellen’s brown hair fell out. “Hey.” I said. “What are you doing here?”
“Nothing, just checking in.” she climbed onto the roof and laid next to me. She petted Pete. Pete likes a lot of people. “So, anything yet?” I shook my head.
“No, but today feels special.”
“You say that every time.”
“Yeah, but this time you’re here, so incase I do see something, you won’t think I’m crazy.”
“I don’t think your crazy…if anything…I think-”
“Wait! What’s that?” I stood up, looking right above us. Above us…was a gray, circle thing…spinning? It was a UFO…right above my house!
“Ellen, look! I knew this day was special!” I grabbed my phone and took a picture of it. It was smaller than I thought, but who cares!? All of a sudden a rough door opened. A green light came down a hit me. I thought someone hit my face with a piece of wood in the face. I saw the green light change form me to Ellen. She didn’t have the same reaction as I did. It seemed to go around her and began to lift her up into the air. “Jackal, help!” she was spinning and flipping thought the air.
I jumped and grabbed her hand. That moved us down a bit, but not much. The only weapon I had was my phone. So I threw it. It went right through the green door. The door shut. The UFO seemed to cough, and then just…disappeared. Before both of us even new what happened, we scrambled into my room. “What was that?!” Ellen shouted, scared to death.
“I don’t know, I…can’t see.” That wasn’t completely true, I could see a little, and it was regaining. “Was that really…a UFO!? Were we going to be abducted!?”
“I don’t know! Dame! The only picture I had and I threw it at it! Man that sucks!” I punched the wall. “Um, hello! We just levitated six feet into the air!”
“Wow that was wild! You humans are so fun!”
“What?” I said, rubbing my eyes. “Did you say something?”
“No, I thought you did.” Ellen said. Then, how could that be, we’re the only ones around. I turned to the window to go out and get my sketch pad. Pete was perched there. You don’t think…no way.
“So where are the Slim Jims?” I jumped back. I was looking right at Pete. He…was talking.
“Ellen… gets me a Slim Jim!” she nodded. I think she saw it too. I felt a Slim Jim hit my hand. I unwrapped it and held it out. Pete’s eyes instantly saw it, and he acted. He head moved fast and quick. The Slim Jim disappeared out of my hand and in Pete’s mouth.
“Man, I love those things!”
“Oh my God!”
Ellen shouted. Pete ruffled her feathers. “Jeez, what’s her problem?”
“Oh my God! P-Pete is talking.” I said, moving back.
“I always been able to talk, you humans just wouldn’t listen.” All of a sudden that green light was back. It seemed to fill my room. Ellen and I moved closer to one another. I mean, I know me and Ellen are going to go to collage in a year, but this is way scarier. Pete was so scared he flew in my room. He had never done that before. A…human like creature appeared in my room. It seemed to just…download it’s self into my room. Like, I line went back a forth to make it appear, from its toes to its head.
“hello.” it said. It seemed…sad. “My name is…520C55AL. I need the female.” It wore plan clothes. Just jeans and a T-shirt, just small. “W-why?” I said, worried about Ellen. “If I told you that, your government and my people would have to kill you.” My…government?
“Now…please…the female.” He held out his hand. He …seemed to almost…disapprove of him self.
“No.” I said. I can’t believe this was happening. “If you’re going to take her, your going to have to take Me.” was I really playing the hero? I thought on this for a bit.
“If you don’t move, I will have to kill…you.” He held up a simple black box. I remain still. “I was afraid of this.” Then, balm. A bright light fallowed by blackness. But, I felt what was happening. I was blind and def. not to mention no muscle movement. Was I really…dead? I didn’t think so, because I felt my body being moved, thrown, and p***k with needles.
Then, I felt water incase my whole body. I could still breathe, but other than that I was in some what pain. I did get my hearing back. I didn’t hear a lot, just clanks and the water type thing sloshing around. But, after a bit, I heard a conversation. “520C55AL, we said only a female. How do you explain you’re self?”
“Yes… he was persistent and won’t move. Besides, the female isn’t pregnant. We need a male to…” I lost my hearing from there. I was glad. What were they going to do to Ellen and me? I got my muscle feeling back. I wasn’t sure I was supposed to. I slowly reached for my pocket. “You human…why? Why did you protect her? Love was involved, but to what extent? I want you to know… I’m sorry.” I felt something drop into the tank. I opened my eyes. I saw that alien standing in front of me. It was that black box. “Go ahead, I know you can move.” I was a little shocked. I grabbed the box as it floated down. “Take out the wires. It’s time to go.” I was worried, but I trusted him. I began to rip out the needles and tubes and junk in my skin. A little blood came into the water, but the water healed me as soon as was hurt.
The water drained and I hit the ground, weakly. The tube like tank I was in opened up. I stepped out and looked around. I saw buttons, lights, and more of those tanks. I looked for Ellen. But the water stuff was pitch black. “Where’s Ellen!” I said, getting mad.
“Keep your voice down. You female friend is in that tank.” He pointed to a tank across the room. I walked to it and stood there. “Ellen…can you here me?” nothing happened. I pulled out my pocket knife.
“What are you going to do?” 520C55AL asked. I stood on my tip toes and dropped the knife in the water.
“Just, giving her something.” I and Ellen both found that knife the day we met. I held it for the school year; she holds it for the summer.
“Come, you have to go.”
“What about Ellen?!”
“I’m sorry, but she has to stay. I have no…control off what happens to her…”
“Listen you scum!” I held him up to my eye level by his shirt collar. “I’m not leaving with out her!”
“I’m sorry…it is the way.” He touched my forehead and I blacked out. I woke up in my room. Pete was on my bed. There were three black boxes in front of me. I picked one up and threw it against the wall. Stupid aliens! What is every one going to think! Ellen was last seen at my house and now she’s gone! “Hey, where’s the girl?” Pete said.
“Shut up!” I shouted. Something caught my eye. The cube, it glowed. then, a shot of light burst out of it. i flew at the wall landing on it hard. i fell to the floor, one thing on my mind. well, two. one, i can understand! i know how those cubes work......i could make that. and two, don't worry Ellen i'm coming

- Title: Grays
- Artist: bob199424
they're like the Zurgs on gaia, but "real". look them up of google.
p.s. i like, i hope you do to.
p.p.s. the ending is ify, but i don't know if i'm going to continued it.
p.p.p.s. please, don't just rate and move on, i really want to know. - Date: 09/24/2008
- Tags: grays future ufos aliens action
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Comments (2 Comments)
- bob199424 - 10/12/2008
- oh, sorry, didn't mean to.
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- lalaland2106 - 09/24/2008
- did you mean to spell Houston like that? cause ppl near Houston don't like it when you mispell our cities name.
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