• "It all started.... When.... I was born.... My grandmother said I was different. I don't know why. I can't remember that part. Umm, well... When it was my first birthday, they locked me in a closet and kept me in there for the next 3 years. They locked me in with food, water, books, papers, pens, pencils, and erasers. So I basically had to learn myself. Then they let me out and I met you. You helped me a lot and well, I can't thank you enough." I said smiling at him.
    "Your welcome. The truth is, when you bumped into me, I felt sorry for you. I mean, you were crying and crying. So, I just wanted you to be happy. I hate when people are sad.(I have another friend like this)" He said with a smile.
    "Which shows how caring you are. Anyways, I remember when I came home so late because we went to the park together and fell asleep by accident. You woke me up and told me it was late. When I got home my parents...... got mad...... and...... they..." I cried at the end of the sentence. Brendan knew what was next. He heard it. "I know. They hit you with a belt. Even though they knew what happened and my parents called them." Brendan said. I could tell he wasn't comfortable with this conversation. "Anyways. That was only a few bruises. Except one. On my head. I screamed loud when they hit my he-" I stopped at the sound of Brendan's voice saying," Please stop. I can still remember that dreadful day...."