Lisa had heard many stories about black hole manor and she knew none of them were true, but her twin sister Lia did not feel the same way. Lia has seen black hole manor and she always did think it was really creepy so she ran past it insted of walking past it. Then one day at school Lisa and Lia were dared to stay in the house for a full hour nothing more nothing less. Lisa easly agreed to the chalenge but Lia said, " NO WAY! Not happening!" " Come on Lisa don't be a baby." said Lisa " I don't care what you say there is no way I'm even going to spend a minute even looking at that place!" said Lia " You guys are going to go inside of black hole manor?! Can I come, pleeeeeeease." said Lia and Lisa's friend Kari " Sorry Kari but we aren't..." said Lia but she was interrupted by Lisa saying " Sure! The more the merrier!" said Lisa in a happy voice " But!" said Lia " We're going now!" said Lisa. When They arrived at black hole mannor Lisa looked at her watch and said " Okay it's 4:00 that means we don't leave intil 5:00." " Wait said Marisa, ( The girl who dared them to do this.) " Ummm... well I kinda want to come to so... what do ya' say?" " Sure!" said Lisa. When they walked up the path to the porch of black hole manor all's they saw was dead grass, plants, and dead trees. When they all took there first step on to the porch the first thing they heard was a loud screeeecch of the floor boards of the floor. Lia was startled by the sound because she thought they were going to fall through the floor boards of the porch. Then when Marisa was about to open the rusty, aged door knob Lia said, " Maybe this isn't such a good idea maybe we should head back." " No way not when we're this close to being the fist to be inside of a place that has been abandoned and neglected for so long." said Lisa "Alright..." said Lia in an unsure voice.
    Marisa once again reached for the old door knob she was stoped, because before she even touched the door knob the huge, ached, double doorway swung open, with aloud bang that echoed throughout the entire mansion. " It was probably just the wind." said Lisa " And I say we should probably get out of here." said Lia still trying to keep her, her sister, and her friends out of the manor. " No way, nuh-uh." said Lisa. Then Lisa, Lia, Kari, and Marisa all took thier first step into black hole manor. All's they saw was a long dark hallway, with cobwebs around every corner. A curved stairway to the second floor was to the left and was at the begining of thre long hallway, witch was also covered with spider webs. " Wow this place is creepeier on the inside then it is on the outside." said Kari. Then the door slamed shut once again echoing throughout the manor. It took a minute for their eyes to adjust to the darkness of the manor. " That's it I'm out of here!" said Lia, but when she tried to open the door she coulden't it was locked! " That's not good." said Lia. Then when Lia turned back to her friend they were all frozen by writeing on the wall... written in blood. The writeing on the wall said, " You were foolish enough to enter there is no way out, for you must spend the night here with ghosts all about... Enjoy your stay we hope you have bloody good time! Ha ha ha!" Then the writeing disapered. " We have to to spend the night here." said Lia in a frightend voice " I guess so." said Kari " Well let's go." said Lisa " Go where?" said Marisa " To explore the manor of corse." said Lisa " No way!" said Lia, Kari, and Marisa at the same time. " Come on we are the first and maybe the last people ever to see this place ever again, lets have a little fun with it." said Lisa " Yeah, if you call getting killed being fun." said Lia " I promise we'll get out of here alive." said Lisa " Okay if you insit... but we have to be very carful." said Kari and Marisa. " One question..." said Kari " What?" said Lisa "Witch way do we go? Straight down the hallway or up the stairs?" said Kari " I have an idea." said Marisa " What?" said Lisa " Well I know its best to say together but... Maybe me and Kari can go down the hallway and you and Lia can go upstairs." said Marisa " Good idea then we can meet back here later but we have to be careful." said Lisa " I guess." said Lia. As The four split up into groups of two they were unaware of the dangers ahed. When Lisa and Lia were out of eyeview going up the creeky staircase Kari and Marisa headed down the long dark hallway. " Marisa is it me or are those paintings stairing right at us." " I sure hope its just you but if it isn't its probably best to not look back at them." " Okay." " Great now the huge line of doors has to come!" said Marisa " Well we better check out one of them because I hear someone comeing and don't think its Lisa or Lia." said Kari " We should start at door one." said Marisa. Then Marisa and Kari burst into the room at what seemed like the speed of the wind but also as quiet as it. " It looks like a bedroom." said Kari " A little girls bedroom." said Marisa " How can you tell?" said Kari " Let's see judging by the pink walls, the fluffy wite carpet, and all of these dolls." said Marisa " oh." said Kari "gasp" "what." said Marisa " I've heard of this room... and its not a good one." said Kari " What do you know about it?" said Marisa " Okay, the owner of this house had 5 kids 2 boys and 3 girls the youngest was a little girl named Molly and this was her room, and when she was about 5 years old her mom died in a freak accedint, Her brothers, sister, and father coulden't get her to say anything then after a week she wouldn't come out of her room and she wouldn't eat etheir." said Kari " And and!" said Marisa " She died in that rocking chair over there." said Kari " Wow she died from not eating." said Marisa. Kari shook her head. " She shoved a nife in her chest." said Kari " !!!" said Marisa " And the creepiest thing is that the night the family came back from Molly's funerl one of her brothers heard something inher room and it sounded like Molly's rocking chair. So he peaked in her room and then he saw his sister Molly as a ghost brushing her favorite dolls hair then when the brother went in to the room to see his ghostly sister she turned around huged her brother then stabed him in the back." said Kari " They say that sometimes you can hear the chair rocking and if you foolish enough to peak in there sure enough Molly's ghost will be there brushing her favorite dolls hair." said Kari " But we're inside of her room so isn't she gonna kill us?!" said Marisa " Not if you don't hug her." said Kari. Then Kari and Marisa exited the room before Molly's ghost appers. " Lets go in room two." said Marisa. Then Marisa and Kari entered room two... bad choice. " Ma- Ma- Marisa." said Kari in a shacky voice " What?" asked Marisa " Turn a- around." said Kari "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT THINHG!!!" Marisa yelled. Aparently the monster was sleeping and Marisa woke him up so its probably even angrier then it would have been. " ROARRRR!!!!" scremed the angry monster " AGHHHHHHHH!!!!!" scramed Marisa and Kari. In a second Marisa and Kari were out the door of room two... and so was the monster! " What was that." said Lia in a scared voice " Calm down Lia it was probably the wind." said Lisa " I hope your right. " Lia thought " Lisa what's that behind you?!" asked Lia in a scared voice. Lisa turned around and saw a monster 5 times the size of the one downstairs! " I don't know but best thing to do right now is run!" yelled Lisa. After only a short while of running Lisa and Lia came to a spot where they couldn't run straight anymore! " We have to split up! I'll go left and you go right!" yelled Lia " Okay be carful now on the count of three!" said Lisa " 1... 2... 3!!!" yelled Lia and Lisa. Lia looked back and saw that the monster decided to follow her! " Oh why me!" said Lia. All of the sudden Lia felt herself falling! Then when she opened her eyes she realized that she was falling! " Aghhhhhh!!!!" screamed Lia. Then down the other hallway Lisa turned around and noticed that the monster decided to follow Lia! " Oh no Lia!" screamed Lisa " What could be at the bottem? A deadly snake pit, a sea of toxic waste, a sea filled with porannas, sharks, electic eels, and stingrays, maybe theres a bunch a of pointy rocks, or a bed of nails, or maybe... this hole doesn't have a bottem." thought Lia. Then suddenly poof! she landed on a giant ledge! "That was too close." said Lia. "Wait a minute this isn't any better! I'm not falling but I could be stranded here forever if I don't find a way out of this hole!" said Lia. "Lia! Are you down there!" screamed Lisa. "Lisa oh thank goddness! Wait a minute Lisa be carful the monster could knock you down in to the hole!" screamed Lia. "The monster is gone there is no need to worry." said Lisa. "Are you kidding there is every need to worry! I mean we are in a hanted house!" sreamed Lia. "We have to find a way to get me where you are with you not having to come where I am." said Lia. "Hey Lia isn't that a rope tied to that rock?" asked Lisa. "Your right it is let me just untie it then I can throw one end up to you and tie the other around my waist then you can pull me up!" said Lia. "Great plan go get the rope and we can accually put it into action." said Lisa. Lia was about to untie the rope but I guess it was so old that it turned to dust in her hand! "Lisa the plan is a no go! Now I want you to find Marisa and Kari downstairs." said Lia. "But what about you?!" said Lisa. "Don't worry about me I'll find another way out soon enough now GO!!!" said Lia. "Okay... BUT YOU BETTER BE CARUFUL!!!!" said Lisa. "I'll be fine, now hurry before something spots you." said Lia. Then Lisa ran off. "Now the question is how the heck will I get out of here?" Lia thought. Lia looked up the wall of the hole and she noticed it was very rocky kind of like a rock climbing wall. Then she had an idea.... she could climb the wall and be out but because she did not have a rope to catch her if she fell she would need to take each step carfully and slowly. Slowly she started to climb the wall. "This is a stupid idea but there is no other way to get out of here." Lia thought. As she was more then half way up the wall she continued to slow her pace, she knew that one false move could lead to her being as flat as a pancake on the ledge. Finally she made it up the wall when she got there she let out a huge sigh of releif she was tired and out of breath from the long climb. She got up on her feet and went to search for her friend. She knew it would be dangerous but she called out for her sister. "What was that?" whisperd Kari. "It sounded like Lia maybe her and Lisa got seperated." whisperd Marissa. Marissa and Kari were hideing behind an old box in the main room witch was at the very begging of the mansion where they had entered. They were done exploring the hallway so they were back in the spot they were told to go after exploring. "Marissa do you think Lia and Lisa are alright?" asked Kari. "I'm sure their fine no need to worry." said Marissa. Even though she was saying those things to Kari she was as worried about them as she was. Back upstairs.... "Man where is Lia we should have met up by now." said Lisa. Where Lia was... "LISA! MARISSA! KARI! ANY OF YOU HERE!" called Lia. "Lia is that you?" said a soft voice. Lia turned around thinking it was Lisa but what she saw was not anyone she was looking for. In front of her a few yards away stood a ghost. Of a girl that was Lia's age she was in a short black dress and had brown hair and grey eyes. "Who are yo.... Lia was struck by a memory she reconized the ghost girl. She was a friend Lia had made long ago when she was young she saw her many times but a year after they met she never answerd the phone or responded to the letters sent and they never saw each other again. Her name was Samantha Hole. The "Hole's" were the family that lived in the house so it used to be called "Hole Manor" not "Black Hole Manor". "Sa-Sa-Samantha?" Lia stutterd. "Yes its me Lia. I'm glad you remember me it has been years." said Samantha. "Why are you a ghost?" said Lia. "OH! That's right I'm dead I forget sometimes..." said Samantha. "..... Um..... How could you forget you were dead?" asked Lia. "Well i've spent more time in this world so I forget that I died because if I or anyone dies they go to the next world not stay in the one they were in before." said Samantha. "Then why are you still in this world?" asked Lia. "Well that's the thing.... I don't know there is supposed to be a light with a stairway up only the dead can see and I never saw it and that stairway is to the next world." said Samantha. "Oh... well I'm sorry you have to suffer like this." said Lia. "Why are you here Lia? It is a lonley sad place with no one here but me." said Samantha. "Don't forget extremo scary and super dangerous." said Lia. "What you mean there are others here?" said Samantha. "Wait you don't know! Your freaky little sister and the rest of your brothers and sisters also some freaky monster and something that uses real blood as a pencil also haunt this place!" said Lia. "Not to metion one of those freaky monsters almost killed me!" said Lia. "What! All of those people and things are here and I don't know!" said Samantha. "This is very strange why would my brothers and sisters be acting this wa.... I got it they have gone mad from staying in this world too long after death and that is why they are acting that way.If only we could find a way to calm them down..." said Samantha. "LIA GET AWAY FROM THAT GHOST!" said Lisa. "Lisa wait! She is a good ghost this is Samantha remember her she used to play with ua when we were little." said Lia. "Oh. Sorry Samantha." said Lisa. "Lisa I know why the ghosts are trying to kill us!" said Lia. "Really why tell me!" said Lisa. "Well they don't mean to do this they are just upset all we need to do is calm them down without them killing us first." said Lia. "Okay lets go downstairs and find Marissa and Kari." said Lisa. When they got downstairs Marissa and Kari paniced at the sight of the ghost but immediatly calmed down when Lia and Lisa said that she was a good ghost. They made a plan and started serching for a ghost. They opened the door to the youngest sister's room first, Molly's room the room Marissa and Kari first went in to. For saftey they sent Samantha in there first 1) Because she was Molly's sister, and 2) Because she was already dead. She walked in to the room and said, "Molly? Its me Samantha I know your upset and want to be left alone but... you know I love you and that even though we are dead that we can still have fun and get back to the way it used to be.. remember when I used to sleep in your room so we could have sleepovers and when we would play dolls together and we would watch t.v. and don crafts and play hide-and-go-seek. Don't you want to have fun again and i'm sure that we will find the light and we'll go up together and be able to play and have fun with mom and dad and your brothers and sisters too including me. You don't know how much I have missed you." said Samantha. "You left me and didn't search." said a small voice. "Oh Molly I was searching but I guess I was searching in all the wrong places I was hopeing you would hear our special whistle but I blew it and blew it but you never came I thought you had moved on..." said Samantha. "Is that true... Sammy." said Molly. "Yes yes it is Molly please let me see you." said Samantha. Then Molly's ghost appered on the bed sitting and crying. She stood up and ran towred her sister and gave her a big hug crying her small ghostly eyes out. "S-Sammy I'm sorry about what I did to Eddy." said Molly. "Oh it's okay Molly if you thought no one would love you anymore then you were wrong and besides you know Eddy doesn't hold grudges he loves you as much as always." said Samantha. "Who are they why are they here Sammy." said Molly with her finger pointed toward Lia, Lisa, Marissa, and Kari. "Oh those are my friends they can be yours too they are here to help us." said Samantha. "Oh okay. HI!" said Molly in a peppy voice. The group set off to find another ghost this time Molly was holding Samantha's hand because she wanted to come search too. Molly stoped and said, "This is Cory's room." said Molly. She was right Samantha reconized the pale blue door that used to be bright light blue she still could see the brightly colored letters that spelt Cory's Room but they were now very pale and hard to see. Cory was 1 month younger then Molly and Cory died of starvation because he was very sad after Molly died they were more like best friends then brother and sister. Molly smiled and skiped in to Cory's room with a smile on her face and when she was in there she said, "Cory! Come out come out where ever you are. Its me Molly are you playing hide-and-go-seek? If you are you know I don't like to be the seeker so can you come out so you can start counting? Okay fine I guess you won't switch places with me until I find you." said Molly. Then Molly started to search under the bed and in the closet trying to win the game. Then Molly heard a giggle from behind the curtains. "I found you!" said Molly as she headed twoard the curtains. Once she opened them as she thought there was Cory giggleing until he and Molly burst out in laughter and fell to the ground. "HI MOLLY! It took you a loooooooooong time to find me so I guess I'm the best at hide-and-go-seek now." said Cory with a smile on his face. The others were puzzeled that he had not gone waco like Molly but they would rather have it that way then the other. When they got to the next room Molly softly said it was Eddy's room. Samantha held Molly's hand and walked in to the room. "Hey Eddy you in here ya dumbell if ya are listen for once because Molly has something she wants to say to you." said Samantha. "E-Eddy i'm really really sorry for what I did to you and I hope you can forgive me that Molly that did that to you was like a different side of me that had taken over please forgive me." said Molly in her senceriest sorriest voice. "Awww its okay Mollster." said Eddy picking her up and putting her on his back. "Hey Ugly." said Eddy. "You are just as annoying as always Eddy." said Samantha. Luckly Eddy doesn't hold grudges and Cory is still very young so he doesn't care whats going on. "Hey no dought Eddy and Samantha are brother and sister you can practicly see the smoke coming out of Samantha's ears." said Kari. They walked and walked but did not find another room finally they were at the very end of the hallway it was Kala's room she was not the youngest and not the oldest but she was the shyest for sure. "So this is the last room." asked Lisa. "Yep this is it." said Samantha. When they were just about to go in to the room they heard a thump and an ow behind them. "OW!" scremed Samantha. They all turned to see Samantha with Kala right on top of her. "GUHHH!" screamed Samantha in pain. Samantha was on her ghostly hands and knees quivering from the pain. "SAMANTHA!" said Lia. Suddenly Kala's ghost snached up Lia and Molly. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH A HAIR ON THEIR HEADS KALA!" screamed Samantha. "Samantha don't get involved you are in no better conditon then me and Molly." said Lia. Then Lia did the unthinkable and broke free from the ghost and jumped it was unthickable because she was 20 feet in the air! The ghost dropped Molly and charged straight toward Lia. Samantha quickly caught Molly and Lia landed on her feet witch seemed impossible to the others. The ghost headed straight toward Lia but this time with a knive in her hand! Lisa, Kari, and Marissa quickly hid behind the box near the stairs. Lia quickly ducked. "That was too close." thought Lia. The ghost went for a second strike, Lia doged to the side but the knive cut her arm. "*pant* *pant* guh!" Lia put her hand on the cut it was bleeding like crazy she quickly took out some cloth and wraped it around her arm to stop the bleeding. Kala threw the knife once more, it hit Lia! Lia fell to the ground. Lisa quickly ran to her sister, now just barely alive. All of them were crying like crazy, except for Kala. Who had a smirk of pleasure on her face. Kala let out one more evil laugh, opened the door, and threw the three girls out, Lia, and the ghosts remained inside. Lia slowly closed her eyes, and stopped breathing. She was dead. The house was knocked down the next day, Lisa still crying, couldn't watch. They never went near the place where Black Hole Manor once stood, ever again. The End