Arenas | Gaia Online

Welcome to Gaia! :: Arenas

  • Arenas
  • Lady
  • Title: Lady
  • Artist: xXShugotenshiNoHitokageXx
  • Description: This was my neighbor dog who I would watch every now and then. She loved waffles and had quite the attitude. She would bite the ankles of anyone else who came through her fence. Her master passed away a little less than a year ago and she had to be sent somewhere else. She was practically my dog and I miss her alot.
    Total Hypocrit speaking: search for the pic "Eddie boy". This is what I like. Some thought was acctually put into it.
  • Date: 01/27/2009
  • Tags: lady
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • xXShugotenshiNoHitokageXx - 01/27/2009
  • I am also contradicting myself with this picture for I dislike most pictures of pets. It just annoys me "Look at my cutey pooky poo!"*sqeal* Do not say "cute" in any comments. I'm begging you.

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